51 - Shadows of Morset

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Nao's Point of View

I look down at Wallis, not expecting him to look this upset... or relieved that I'm okay. I didn't think I created enough of a base with him that I really meant anything more than just a stranger.

Or perhaps Wallis is more sensitive than I thought? Despite creepily asking for people's blood.

I glance to the popup, and then look away. If it's not Seid... and from the way it speaks, it might be the thing that messed with my head last time. If it is, then lending it an ear won't help me.

That said, Wallis looks genuinely guilty.

I make an internal sigh. Well, it's understandable if he feels guilty. He did abandon me, but to be honest, if it was bad enough that Theodore couldn't get to me, then Wallis trying to get to us wouldn't have made a difference.

It was probably the right choice, strategically. Still, how do you respond to something like this? 

"...Thank you. Is everyone else alright?"

Wallis looks up at me, his lips quiverying.

"Tristan- Tristan he- I couldn't-"

Theodore shifts, his armor clanking slightly, but enough to catch Wallis' attention. Wallis looks to Theodore, and his eyes widen.

I look to Theodore too, and despite the armor being damaged and bloodied he looks fine.

"...Ah... I see... I- I must have mistaken one of my premonitions for reality."

I look down at Wallis, still looking at Theodore, but at least he lets go of my sleeve.

"What about Mia? I didn't see her earlier."

Wallis wipes his tears away, and gives a small sniffle.

"The others are looking for her."

I can't help but to tilt my head at that statement. Not wondering where Mia went, but-

"And you came looking for me instead?"

I mean, she's the saintess, she's top priority, right?

"I saw a minotaur in my prophecy, and thought you were still in danger, or injured, or-"

I presses his lips together and looks away for a moment, and then glances to Theodore too.

I can't really complain about something actually worrying for me, can I? I smile a bit. I guess I can at least forgive him for not coming to help earlier.

I barely get to think that, before Theodore moves, trying to punch the nearby tree, but stopping inches from the trunk, where a little black-ish blue butterfly lingers. Slowly batting its wings.

But why is Theodore trying to attack it, and why can't he? A sinking feeling fills my stomach, as I walk past Wallis towards the tree. Soul sight tells me if it's a demon, right?

I turn on soul sight, and as I do, right fills my sight. Not something the shape of a butterfly, but the shape of a person surrounded by smoke and mist.

I can see it laughing, pointing at the white shape of a person trying to hold their hands to their ears... Joshua. I'm thankful his armor looks so unique that I can recognize him even just as a silhouette, but confusion also fills me as I watch this demon clearly talking with ghosts, no, tormenting them, probably, judging by Joshua's pained body language. Joshua even lashes out at the shadowy red figure, only for his hand to go through it and for it to reform, laughing harder.

"Is that-"

I go up to the butterfly and turn off soul sight. When I was at the river a few days ago, the demon that came by was also made out of insects, so this might be like that, or shape shifted. Either way, it shouldn't be here.

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