𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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It's been a week since me and Chase started dating, Which also means it's time to go home, I will always cherish being in France.

But my god my feet hurt after the end of the week. I don't think I've ever walked that much before.

"All packed?" My mom came into my room. "Yes" I zip up my suitcase. "I would pack for Chase to." She narrows her eyes over to Chase, who's still sleeping.

I swear he never used to sleep, now it's 24/7 this boy sleeps.

"I already did!" I show her a cheeky smile before showing her Chase's bags. "Oh.. You were a step ahead of me." She chuckled.


She leaves the room, but not before blowing a kiss. I walk over to the bed as I try to wake up Chase.

We didn't have to leave for another 4 hours, but it's probably better to wake him up now. "Chase." I take a seat next to him in bed.

He groans, rolling over and on top of me, completely smushing me. A 6'4 Football player who weighs 245 pounds vs me who's 5'4 and weighs 130.

I never found much love in any sport, I did cheerleading but soon quit after everyone on the team called me fat, and whale legs.

After that I just kind of become my own person, not worrying about sports.

"Let's sleep." He mumbled into my neck. "We just slept for more than 12 hours." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Let's sleep more than." He said. "We have to get up."

I may seem like an early bird, but honestly I woke up because Levi came into my room banging pans against spatulas.

Which made Chase throw my alarm clock at Levi, He walked out of my room complaining. Chase had hit him right in his face.

Once I wake up I can never go back to sleep, unless I'm really tired.

"I'll get you McDonald's once we get back home." I grin as he immediately gets up.

We all stayed in our pajamas because it was only the ride home, not to mention we have to ride the plane home.. again.

It's not that I'm afraid of planes, it's just the thought of it crashing horrifies me, so bad.

Once Chase is ready, we go downstairs. "Are you guys ready?" My mom asked. "Yeah!"

We all head into the car, I start to get comfortable as I lean my back in the door, and rest my feet over Chase's lap.


My mom pulls us into the house that looked so familiar, but there's a car in our drive way, and someone is sitting at our door.

That familiar someone looks a lot like my dad.

"Oh fuck no." My mom cursed, in English which she never really does unless she's mad. She's pulls near his car, and gets out fast,

"Get the fuck of our property, Adam. Now." She snarled. "This is my property to, why did you switch the key lock." He said.

"Because I did? What do you want me to tell you Adam. You go off and fuck another random ass blonde bitch who has plastic boobs, lips, and ass. Over me? Is absolutely outrageous. Than you stalk me, for 2 months like a crazy psycho and think everything is okay? It's not, so leave before I call the cops." As we all were still in the car, we could hear them clearly.

"Pop off mama smith." Taylor chuckles.

"Not until you let me see my kids." He started to stand up, hovering over mom. "No. They don't want to see you, neither do I. Leave." She pointed to his car.

"Let me talk to, Dani." I eyes widened when I heard him being up my name. "No."

"Im not leaving till I do." He got closer to mom. "Fine. 5 minutes top." She signaled for me to get out of the car.

I slowly get out of the car.

He brings me away from mom, a little more down the driveway. "Wow baby you've grown so much." He looks down at my chest.

I bring my arms up to my chest, feeling really exposed. "Turn around for me, I want to see your beautiful hair." He was obviously drunk, I could tell.

"Okay.." I turn around.

Suddenly I feel a soft grasp on my butt. I gasp and turn back around. "Y'know if you come to my house, I have some friends that could treat you, real well." He looked at me, with weird eyes.

But before I could say anything I'm interrupted. "Is that so?" All the boys come up from behind me.

My dad looks at them all in fear, they all are so much taller than him. "How are you, sons." He put a fake smile on his face.

They don't say anything but glare at him.

Chase pulls me to him, looking on my body for any bruises. "Are you okay, sunshine?" He cups my face, giving me a worried look.

"I'm okay." I give him a hug. He hugs me back right away.

"Of course you're with Chase, I've always knew you would get with him. Just wait until he cheats on you Dani. Just wait, my friends could treat you way better." He always would do this when drunk.

"It's better if you just leave and never come back. Realize what you just said and did, to your own daughter." Dylan pushed dad, trying to get him off the lawn.

He stumbles back a bit before running off with guilt in his eyes, hopefully he realized what he had done.

All of us give a look, before finally heading inside. "Please don't listen to him Dani. I would never cheat on you, I swear." Chase looks at me with sad eyes.

"I know. I trust you." I wrap my arms around his neck, he lifts me off the ground slowly swaying me side to side.

"You guys make me feel single." Jayden sighs as entering the kitchen. I chuckle at him, "it's okay, you'll find your girl some day."

"Some day, is far away." He sighed again.

He walks out of the kitchen making his way downstairs to the basement. The boys would usually go in the basement to play video games, my mom got tired of hearing how loud they were, so she made a little gaming spot in the basement.

"Chase, you coming?" Jayden looks at him. "No I think I'm going to stay with my girl, thanks though." He rested his chin on my shoulder, I was sitting on the counter with his arms wrapped around me.

"Ugh Dani you stole our best friend!" He said playfully, before disappearing downstairs. "Sooo it's November, which means it's almost Christmas, so I say we binge watch Christmas movies!" I said happily.

"Sounds good." He kisses my forehead. I grin before hopping off the counter, making my way upstairs with Chase following behind slowly.

i turn on my tv, and get under my covers.

Chase gets in as well, resting more against the head board, he wraps his arm around my waist bringing me closer so my head is on his chest.

Our legs tangle together.

The movie 'The Polar Express' starts to play.


I have the hiccups so bad rn, I'm late but thank you so much for 10k reads!!

Thanks for reading!


Word count - 1244

- B.

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