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Beyonce POV
Houston, TX

"Mama I don't wanna go. It's the third month of school and I still haven't gone. Mama, can I please stay home? Nana can homeschool me, remember?! She said she didn't have a problem with it." I stressed to my mom, my blood pressure and anxiety rising more and more.

"Honey Bee, c'mere, take a breath baby." She said holding my hands, gently rubbing my palms like daddy used to do. The action brought memories to me of him.

She hugged me tight and rubbed my back. "It's gonna be okay Bee, your first day is gonna be great. You're going to make friends."

"How?? All of my friends moved out of Texas already and I don't even have contact with half of them." I said through my tears. She shushed me and rocked up slowly rubbing my back, "You're a kind girl Honey, people will flock to be your friend. The only thing you need to worry about is seeing through snakes and fakes and find who's actually genuine."

I took a breath, nodding as I took in her words. "Okay I'll try Mama, I love you."

She smiled and kissed my forehead. "Now grab your lunch out the kitchen and your bag so we can be on time to get you to school."

I nodded and ran to my room to grab my backpack and my laptop. I stood in the middle of my room one last time, waving a solemn goodbye to my Stevie Wonder poster before heading back downstairs to start my day. I hope this is a good day.

30 Minutes Later

" and that brings our tour to an end," the Principal said as we walked around a corner bringing us back to the main office. The school is huge and that's my first red flag. I'm up at 7:45 that's another red flag. One more and I'm transferring out.

"Alrighty, thank you so much Ms. Lemons." My mom said and I slightly nodded mentally disconnecting and wishing I was back home in bed. I miss my teddy bears.

"Ms. Knowles do you have any questions?" Ms. Lemons asked me. I shook my head no.

"Alright good good, well this is your schedule, would you like me to assign you a guide or do you think you can make to on your own?" She asked as she handed me a folded piece of paper.

I opened it looking at all of my classes. I'm a senior and I know I don't have any classes to make up so I was happy to see that all of my classes were on track.

"Yes, she'll take the guide, it will be a way for her to open up and make new friends, yknow, get to know others?"

I squinted at my mom and pursed my lips before speaking. "Sure mom, you're so right." I said flat as ever.

"Well no problemo, I'm going to assign a student name Megan Pete to you, she's also a Senior. She can be a bit much at times..." Ms. Lemons cleared her throat and fixed her collar as she spoke on the student making me question is she really that bad?

"But nonetheless, she's our star basketball player and when she's not at games or practice, she's on the cheer and dance team. Nine times out of ten she's going to be serving in school suspension, so her showing you around won't be an inconvenience."

Damn she must be fit and fine if she's doing all of this. But then again she's serving ISS so she must be reckless. Hmm.

"And now it is about 7:50 ish, almost, so you can head down to your first hour class and enjoy your breakfast. Have a wonderful day honey and welcome to Pearland High." Ms. Lemons said with a warming smile.

I smiled back and hugged my mom heading to class. Okay it's not so bad so far.

The End of First hour

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