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An Hour Later
Beyonce POV 

We sat in a comfortable silence as I thought about what Megan said in the shower. She sounded like she was ready to finally settle down and she made it clear she trusts me. She made it clear that she was going against her brain and she is giving me her whole trust. She asked me if there was anything I needed to tell her and if I had been with anyone else. I told her the one person I'd been with was one other person and that we simply broke up because our schedules were too conflicting which is the truth. He never just had time for himself and time for me and vice versa so I didn't want us smootherig each other so we just decided we were better as friends plus when we were together it felt like we were friends with benefits.

But I still have yet to tell her about Asharia. I know I should have just told her when she asked but I just couldn't I just got her back, I can't lose her again. I wanna keep her but I know in the long run she might be hurt by this lie. I just hope I'm making the right decision. 

"We here Bey. You good?" She asked parking the car and turning her attention over to me. I nodded and sat up. I'm still a little tired though but I'mma get over it, carry me please." I put my signature pout on my face and she laughed getting out, helping me out, carrying me into the studio building. 

I rested my face in my her neck and inhaled her aroma. wrapped my arms around her neck and she talked to whoever she needed to talk to to get to where her producer was. She walsked in the room talking shit making me laugh to myself. "Wassup Hov, you in this bitch mackin? Stew said her seen three bitches leave from up outta here." 

"Nahhh, them was my sisters, you know I'm tryna be a family man now." My heart stopped and I stiffened at the sound of Jay's voice. 

How in the fuck do they know each other??

"Yeah yeah, a leopard don't change it's spots. But I got somebody I want you to meet." She slightly squeezed my waist to make sure I was awake and I tapped her back to let her know to put me down. When my feet touched the floor I took a breath before turning around clearly catching Jay off guard.  

"Hey Jay." I shook my head going to sit down. I looked between Megan and Jay and they both looked stuck. Both for different reasons. I know Megan look stuck because she probably wondering how I know Jay Z, AKA Shawn. And Jay probably wondered how I knew Megan Thee Stallion and why she was carrying me like she was.

"Ummm, Meg aren't you supposed to be working?" I said as I opened my leftover chic fil-a bag and ate a nugget. 

"So we just gone brush past the fact you know him-her" They said at the same time. I nodded. 

"Jay, I went to school with Megan and dated her. Megan, I used to date Jay freshman year." I said trying to clear all confrontation. 

After I guess processing what I said, they then took their seats at the sound board. I slurped down my pink lemonade as Jay and Megan got caught back up with whats happening in their lives.

I got on my phone texting solo since I haven't spoken to her in a billion years.


Solo: btc why you yellin, but who hb

Bey: Do Megan Thee Stallion sound familiar?

Solo: Dead ass? You cool with her now? Especially after everything that happened?! Do she even know about my niecypooh?

Bey: Yes...

Solo: Bitch you lying for what?! Make me call Mama and tell her. You gotta tell Megan about her daughter. She been a deadbeat for long enough

Bey: we can talk in person, I'm spending the weekend with her, I'll be over your house Monday
read 4:56pm

This little shit left me on read. I tossed my phone on the sofa next to me, just as I got the urge to go pee. I excused myself and made my way to the bathroom I saw on our way here. Walking into the bathroom I went in a stall and locked the door.

After handling my business and freshening up in the mirror I left out. I wonder what they're talking about, they must not be close close friends because Jay's never mentioned her as long as I've known him.

I walked back into the studio and now Megan was in the booth rapping and a beat blasted through the speakers. I sat on the couch kinda feeling out the beat. 

It was a catchy, energetic rhythm with heavy bass and a dynamic tempo that complements her confident and assertive lyrics.

I'm a savage
Classy, bougie, ratchet
Sassy, moody, nasty
Acting stupid, what's happenin

I nodded along with the song and found it getting me hype.

She finished and came out the booth doing a little shimmy with a cheerful smile plaster on her face.

"Aw hell she know she done made a hit now she finna be cocky. You think you allat, huh?" Jay said laughing.

She laughed and sat next to me on the sofa. "All that and a bag of flamin hot chips." She said smiling proud and pulling me to sit closer to her by my waist.

Jay shook his head and started fixing around her beat. I really thought he would have a bad reaction to me and her.

"Why you being so clingy?" I said finally turning to look at her. Out of the two of us, I'm the more clingy one. So her being this clingy is out of the normal.

"Hmmm, I can't just hug my baby mama in peace?." She said in my ear but when I looked at her face there was no more humor in it.

What in the fuck did Jay tell her???


A little filler update.

Megan and Jay done found out about each other.

But Jay blabbed off about Asharia. Y'all think Bey gone 'fess up or keep dragging the lie out?

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