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(This is where shit picks up...)

Beyonce POV
6 Months later 

So as of today me and Megan have been together for 6 whole months. Everyday for the last 6 months have felt so special. A lot has changed with us and I really feel like I'm ready to give her my virginity. I trust Megan with everything in me, she's literally the best girlfriend on earth.

Besides all that, me and her have gotten close to having sex all of three times, she did give me head twice of those three times and If her mouth skills are anything like her dick, I just might go insane when she finally lays it down.

Today we're goin out to dinner after school and then she said she has a surprise for me. I can't wait to see what it is.

Also did I mention that I introduced Megan and my mom? Yeah she stole my mom. If me and Megan are having a dispute about something my mom will completely side with her no matter the situation. Like one day I was going back and forth with Megan about why singing is better than rapping. We were at my house and my mom walked in the living room where we were and she straight up said she completely agrees with the thought that singing is better than rapping. She then continued to ask who said what and when I told her I'm the one that said singing is better she did a COMPLETE 180 and said rapping was better.

So yeah, that's how I got my mom finessed.

"You excited for today honeybee?" My mom asked me as she peeked her head in my room since the door was cracked open a bit. I looked up at her and smiled. "You know it. I really love her so much mommy." I pouted.

If anybody knows how much I love Megan it's my mom and my sister. Basically anybody I love with. "My girl, my bae. I love my wife." I know they sick of hearing it.

"I can't wait until I y'all get married so I can get my grandbabies." She shook her head. When I tell you my mom loves us together, that's what I mean. Me and Megan have so many supporters it's crazy. From her sisters, to my sister, to Kelly, Michelle, and Robyn. we have so many people that just wanna see us happy together and I love that.

"Mommy you gotta wait a nice little while for that. I wanna finish college or at the least figure out what I wanna do in life." I said giggling as she walked into my room. I fiddled with my promise ring that Megan gave me about 3 months ago and I smiled to myself thinking about my beautiful girlfriend.

"I understand honeybee. But I came in here to show my babygirl some love and to tell you your wonderful girlfriend dropped you off a little gift..." she trailed off handing me a small gift box.I gently took hold of the box, still slightly confused. "What's in it?" I said looking up at my mom who now was recording.

"Gone head and open it and see." She said with a big Kool-Aid grin.

I slowly lifted the lid off the box and was met with a car key. Not just any car key... I ran my finger over the letters imprinted on the fob. S...R...T... I hopped up quick as fuck and ran down the stairs, skipping a few and jumping right out the door and ran in front of the garage. I seen Solo, Leo, Kelly, and Michelle already outside waiting for me, recording and cheering.

"Period bestie, yo girl LOVE you to deathhh." Kelly said laughing, making Leo and Solo join in. I looked in the garage and seen a CUSTOM Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Red Eye, black, with yellow honeycomb stripes coming down the middle.

I broke down crying and everyone came over and group hugged me. "Awww, it's okay JuJu, Meggy love her some you." Solo said into the hug. I laughed and sniffled wiping my eyes.Yeah imma gobble her dick so good after this.

After School

"So y'all haven't heard from her all day??" I said through tears as I sat on the counter in the girls bathroom at school. I haven't heard from Megan all day and she didn't come to school today, her nor Robyn. I haven't heard from either one of them and it's making my stomach hurt.

"Maybe she's sleep, have you tried calling her? It's been a while since she skipped school so this is kinda weird." Kelly said grabbed her phone and texting who I'm assuming is Megan.

I sniffled and nodded. "I've been calling her since 2nd hour."

Rih walked in the bathroom holding up a dry cleaners bag. "Heyyy yall."

"Hey? Hey?! Bitch where the fuck were you???" I said hopping off the counter marching towards her.

"Don't shoot the messenger, Megan kidnapped me and had me running errands like a fucking slave while she packed or some shit, also she said be dressed by 6. She gone drop a pin to where she want you to meet her." She handed over the dry-cleaned clothes. "This is your outfit. Don't ask me for shit else. My feet hurt." She whined.

I smiled and kissed her cheek, "thank you bestie boo. Okay yall let's go to my house and get me changed." I grabbed my purse since I had already took my book bag to my car and took off.

Three Hours Later ~6PM

I sat in the car at the spot Megan wants me to meet her. On the beach. In the beautiful dress she picked for me. A long black off the shoulders dress that made me feel even more beautiful and special than normal. Which leads me to be sitting in this car contemplating if I want to get out.I love Megan with everything in me, don't get me wrong but what if she leaves? That's gonna fuck me up mentally. We only have about 4 months of school left and I'll be going to college in Alabama along with Kelly and Michelle, and I don't know what Megan's going to do. I don't wanna leave her forever just because of school but I have to put my career first.

I love her with everything in me. Everything she does makes sure I'm good and comfortable. Like for instance, today with this dress, she knows I like showing skin but moderately and she incorporated that into the dress. She listens to me even when I'm just rambling off about random stuff, like when I told her what kind of car I wanted my first car to be, I was just talking when I said it but for her to actually go out and just outright buy it for me is really speaking morals to my character.

Before I knew it I heard a soft knock on my window. I looked up at Megan star struck to see her in a state different from her usual stud attire.

"These heels fucking my feet over, can you get out mamas." She said with a cute pouting face. I giggled and opened the door as she stepped back, allowing me room to step out the car.

"You look...amazing?! I didn't know you switched it up like this." I said fluffing her curls and admiring her dress.

"Mhmmm, you know I had to do it big for my baby." She kissed my cheek making me blush. "But I got us a dinner set up let's go." She gently grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it and led me to a beautiful tent dinner set up on the shoreline.

After Dinner (cause I'm sicka this shit already)

As we laid back on the sand blanket, hands intertwined, watching the tide rise and fall.

"You know I love you right, and anything I do is to protect you." Megan said finally breaking the prolonged silence.

I turned my head to find her already staring at me. "Of course, I know." It was in the way she said it. Like there was something that was behind it. "You mean the world to me. I can't see you hurting me intentionally."

She just stared at me, bringing her soft hand to my face and gently caressing my cheek with her thumb. Nothing was heard but everything was said as she stared me in my eyes.

"I want you to take my virginity. Well I-I wanna give it to you." I said softly.

I watched as multiple emotions flashed across her face before a gently smile graced her lips. "You sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to. It's all up to you my love, I'm willing to wait as long as you want."

"I'm positive, I trust you baby."

She sat for a few moments before she sat up. "Cmon" she said softly as she took off her heels and headed in the tent.

Oh my goodness I'm really about to do this???

The Next Morning.

Comfy. I woke up feeling comfy as ever and warm on the inside as I recalled the events from the past night. The way we touched each other, the way I stretched, keeping my eyes closed as I stretched my arms about. I stopped when I felt my furry comforter under my fingers. I'm home?I slowly peel my eyes open and take in my surroundings. Megan must have brought me home last night.

I grabbed my phone and opened the messages app and seen the group chat was blowing up. Strange? Cause these bitches stay acting like the group chat don't exist.

I opened it and slid up to the earliest text and read down.

Kel in the Benz: Soooo when did Megan say she was moving? And why she not answering...?Shelly 🐚: And why am I blocked on all my accounts?Shelly🐚: @Beyonce what happened with yall last night?Kel in the Benz: Right like yall was just all peachy and now can't nobody get in contact with her or Jordan or Leo.Solo-cup: I'm really about to have a mental breakdown, Why did Leo block me on everything????

I furrowed my eyebrows, what the fuck is going on? I slid over to my call log and called Megan. Straight to voicemail. What the fucking hell.

Three Years Later

"Uh uh poodah, come on." I said laughing as my two year old baby girl Asharia ran down the hallway away from our apartment door.

"Mommy! Come!" She giggled while her little legs jiggled as she ran.

I laughed and ran down the hallway after her. "Mommy's gonna get youu!" I laughed and crouch-ran after her as she ran to the vending machines. She stopped into front of the refreshments machine and her eyes widened.

"Mommyyyy, tan I gid dis wone?" She asked pointing to a blueberry sunny d. I checked the time and seen it was near nap time and so I had no problem with her getting something sugary since it was gonna put her right to sleep.

"Of course you can my love." I pulled a dollar out my pocket and handed it to her since I know she's gonna have a meltdown if I don't let her put it in the machine. I picked her up and gave her a boost to the dollar slot and she happily put the money in and clapped as the mechanical arm dispensed the juice. I bent down and grabbed it and opened the little cap as I head back down to our apartment.

I chuckled as she snatched the juice and started suckling it down. It brought back memories of when i first had her and she wouldn't drink anything but milkies. I giggled to myself softly as I opened the door and walked in, sitting down my school bag, Ria's diaper bag, and her iPad.

"Okay go to your room love bug and get changed for naptime." I said placing her back on her feet. She smiled and went to her room.

I'm so thankful for my babygirl and all the joy she brings me. Some days I really do miss Megan. Every night I pray for her and her wellbeing.

I hear now she's a rapper, along with her sister Leo, that would make sense since Leo has to be about 18 or 19 I think. Instead of leaving Texas for college, I decided to stay because I wanted to raise my daughter in the culture, I grew up in. Everyone was supportive of me, including my mom, sisters, just everybody. In school I did occasionally get dirty looks, but I just ignored them because the dirty looks didn't outweigh the supportive comments. 

Megan is 1000% my daughters sperm donor and I make sure my daughter knows that. Since birth I've always showed her pictures of Megan from high school and told her that was her Mama. Meg had a Revlon commercial on TV the other day and Asharia almost flipped her shit running to the TV. 

I do feel like one day I'll tell Megan she has a child but as of right now I don't have any way to contact her. I do wish her well and all though. 

*CALL FROM, BIG BOOTY KEL* I snatched my phone off the table quickly and answered Kelly's call. "Yes sister."

"HIII HONEYBEEE-" I snatched the phone from my ear in hope of preserving what's left of my ear drum. 

"Kel, why you always yelling. My baby getting ready for her nap, don't get her riled u-" I was cut off my Ria calling for me from her room letting me know she's done changing. 

"Hold on Kelz." I sat the phone down on the couch and went to Ria's room and did my standard routine of tucking her in, saying a prayer over her and sliding her lavender teddy-a gift from her grandma- in the bed with her to keep her sleeping.  

I walked back in the living room and grabbed my phone. "Okay continue, with caution."

"Anyways bitch, me and Chelle in town and Rih gone babysit Asharia while we go to a concert. SO come to the car and get your outfit so we can go."


"I know right, you know what don't even worry about it, we're coming up." She said laughing. 

"Bitch wha-" I couldn't complete my thought before there was a knock on my door. 

I sighed and stood up and walked to the door as Tired by Kelly Price played in the back of my mind. These mofos are so tiring. They're like little kids. 

"Bitch get dressed, don't ask no more questions or I'mma hit you in your shit." I smacked my lips and snatched the outfit as Chelle, Kelly, and Rih walked in. I hope I don't regret this.

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