Chapter 6 - Moments of understanding

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The evening is calm and cozy at my brother Zane's home. His son, Joel, a spirited 6-year-old, plays with his toys nearby. The dim lighting and the soft crackling of the fireplace set the stage for a heartfelt conversation.

Zane and I sit across from each other, delving into the complexities of my ongoing experiments. I've spent countless hours in the lab, recording data, but I can't help but feel uncertain about my ability to create an antidote for 'Light.' I share my growing doubts with Zane, wondering aloud if such a remedy is even possible.

Zane listens with a concerned expression, showing his support as we discuss the challenges I face. Our conversation turns to the difficulties of my job at Venus BioTech, the mounting pressure from Emma Venus, and the uncertain path we're on.

Joel continues to play, unaware of the serious conversation taking place. Amid the uncertainties of my scientific work, I find solace in our family connection. The support I receive from Zane gives me renewed strength to face the challenges ahead. Even in the midst of professional dilemmas and ethical questions, I know I can rely on the unwavering support of my family.

The doorbell rings, pulling my attention away from the discussion about our ongoing experiments. I glance at Zane. "Are you expecting someone?" I inquire, hoping for clarification.

Zane nods, leaning back in his chair. "It's Thomas," he replies nonchalantly.

Thomas, who happens to be Zane's childhood best friend, used to practically live at our house during our growing-up years. He was an expert at teasing me relentlessly, and I couldn't help but smile at the memories.

Zane gets up and heads to the door to greet Thomas. With a sly grin, Thomas looks at me and says, "Hey, Jane."

"Hey, Tommy," I tease in response, using the nickname that Thomas has always hated.

Zane returns to his seat as Thomas strolls into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

As the three of us settle in, Zane turns his attention back to me. He's always been perceptive and seems to sense that something is bothering me. "Tell me, Jane," he says, his expression filled with concern, "there seems to be something else on your mind; I can see it on your face."

I find myself nodding, feeling the need to share my recent dilemma. "You know Mike, my assistant," I begin, pausing to choose my words carefully, "well, he tried to kiss me, and since I rejected him, he's stopped talking to me."

Thomas's interest is immediately piqued, and I can see the curiosity in his eyes. My revelation has clearly changed the mood of the room, adding a layer of intrigue to the gathering.

Zane's brows furrow with concern as he absorbs my words. He's always been a protective brother even though he is younger, and the thought of someone making me uncomfortable doesn't sit well with him. "You shouldn't have to put up with that, Jane," he says firmly, his tone protective.

Thomas, who has known me since childhood and is the same age as me, shares Zane's protective instinct. He leans forward, a hint of indignation in his expression. "That's not right," he adds, his loyalty to our family evident. "You deserve respect and professionalism in your workplace."

With a mischievous grin, he continues, "And if anyone dares to mess with my favorite girl, they'll have to answer to me." Thomas's playful flirtation breaks the tension in the room.

"careful" Zane warns Thomas.

after the conversation took a turn, making us all enjoy the moment, Thomas uses the bathroom, and I take advantage of this moment to tell Zane something.

"Zane if anything happens, if the virus is used, we need to be ready"

"just call me when something is suspicious at work, and i will pick you up and the rest of the family, and we will be together at least"

I nod and before I can reply Thomas is back, playing with Joel, who until now has been making himself busy with play. The playful atmosphere between him and Joel continues. I take a deep breath, knowing I need to focus on my family's safety and the looming threat of the virus.


Word count : 709

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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