Chapter 39 - Fight

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The air is heavy with tension as we prepare to face the rest of the horde, the relentless sea of walkers that has encircled our hideout.

I step outside, my heart racing with a mixture of fear and determination. Beside me, Thomas and Vera stand ready, their expressions mirroring my own. Our group is small, but we're not alone in this endeavor. Several other survivors, both men and women, have chosen to join us in the fight against the relentless tide of walkers. General Hargrove is conspicuously absent, his cowardice keeping him hidden away.

The reminder of the horde looms before us, a ghastly sight that seems to stretch on for miles. There's an eerie silence that hangs in the air, the walkers waiting to be provoked by any sign of movement. I can feel their hungry, unyielding presence, and it sends shivers down my spine.

With a determined nod from Thomas, we start the plan. Our group splits into two teams, with one led by Thomas and the other by Vera. The goal is to create a diversion and lure away a portion of the horde while the others stay behind in the hideout.

As I move with my team toward the edge of the encircling walkers, I can't help but feel a mix of trepidation and hope. The weight of responsibility rests heavily on our shoulders. If we succeed, we can lessen the threat to our hideout and fellow survivors. Failure, on the other hand, is not an option.

Vera's voice breaks through my thoughts as she gives the signal to start our diversion. We begin by making noise, using whatever objects we can find to create a cacophony. The walkers, drawn to the commotion, slowly shift their attention away from the hideout and toward us.

The initial moments are tense as we see the walkers approaching. Their disjointed, limping movements send a shiver down my spine. But we stand our ground, determined to buy time for those who remain behind.

It's a battle of endurance and strategy. We use various tactics to keep the walkers focused on us while our comrades work to reinforce the hideout's defenses. We move carefully, keeping our distance and never allowing the walkers to get too close.

In the midst of the chaos, I can't help but think about Zane, away with the ambulance. I hope he's safe and that our efforts will secure a better future for all of us. The memory of Lucas's sacrifice lingers, a reminder of the price we must sometimes pay.

Time seems to stretch as we continue the relentless task of drawing the horde away. It's physically and mentally exhausting, the fear always lurking at the edge of our thoughts. But we can't afford to falter or lose hope.

As we slowly lead the walkers further away from our hideout, I steal a glance at Thomas and Vera. Their determination is unwavering, their commitment to our family and the other survivors evident in every action. We may be a small group, but our resilience and unity give us strength.

With each step we take, we come closer to our goal. The walkers follow us, their endless hunger driving them forward. We can only hope that our efforts will provide the reprieve our group so desperately needs.

The fight is far from over, and the future remains uncertain. But as we lead the horde away, I hold on to the belief that our determination and unity will see us through, that we'll overcome this challenge, just as we've overcome so many others in this unforgiving world.

As we make our way through the desolate streets, the walkers relentlessly pursue us. We keep our distance, our eyes fixed on the path ahead. Our diversion is working, but the true test lies in the endurance of our group and our ability to outlast the relentless horde. We kill them later, when we are further away from the horde, less to clean up.

In the midst of the chaos, a sense of solidarity emerges. We may be strangers brought together by circumstances, but in this fight for survival, we're bound by a common goal. Together, we stand a chance against the walkers.

The battle begins as the walkers close in on our group. Their moans and growls fill the air as we fight to hold them back. Each of us wields whatever weapons we can find, striking at the undead with a fierce determination.

The walkers are relentless, their numbers overwhelming. But we stand our ground, our backs against the wall, and our determination unwavering. We move as a coordinated unit, covering each other's backs, and pushing back the tide of the undead.

With a sense of relief, we begin our retreat, the walkers' moans growing distant as we put distance between us and them. The journey back to the hideout is filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. We've done our part in this ongoing battle for survival, and our thoughts are with our comrades who have held the fort during our absence. We can only hope that our efforts have bought them the time they needed to reinforce their defenses. The moment we confirm that they are safe, we share a collective sigh of relief.

But our work isn't done yet. We know that the destroyed camp, which had been overrun by walkers, still needs our attention. We must check for any lingering threats and begin the arduous task of restoring the damaged fences.


We sit at the camp fire, my whole family, the remainder of the survivors, all just enjoying the moment of peace. it took us 2 days to make sure that it was safe to come back to camp, and another week to clean up all this mess, and the bodys.

Zane and Noah came back on the 2nd day of us checking if the camp is safe, they had slept in a car, before returning safely.

Noah had apologized the day after, probably got lectured by Zane. I told Noah the apology was necessary, and i am just saddened by Lucas's death.

The survivors had even decided who our new leader should be, after wannabe general had shown how big of a coward he is, it turned out to be Vera, for showing such courage and care to all of us.


Word count : 1044

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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