Chapter 33 - Tale of The Hemsworth's

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My ears ringing, my sight restricted. I huddle in the corner, my small body trembling as the harsh words and louder slaps echo through the dimly lit room. My heart races, but I can't escape the relentless fury of the man who is supposed to protect me.

My father, James Hemsworth, is a menacing figure when he's consumed by the poison that runs through his veins. Alcohol turns him into a monster, his eyes wild and unrecognizable. It's an affliction that haunts our family, and I, bear the brunt of his unrelenting anger.

I was only seven when I first experienced the wrath of my father's addiction. The memory is vivid, an indelible mark etched into my soul. He'd come home reeking of alcohol, his footsteps stumbling and uneven. In his drunken haze, he'd unleash his rage upon my mother and me. But after a while, my mother would let me take it all.

I can still feel the sting of his belt against my fragile skin, the sharp pain cutting through me like a knife. Each blow, each hateful word, was a reminder of how powerless I was, how vulnerable a child could be in the hands of a drunken parent.

The room would blur as my vision clouded with tears, my small voice begging for mercy. But there was no escape, no respite from the relentless cruelty. I learned to retreat into myself, to endure the torment in silence, hoping it would end soon.

As the years passed, the abuse continued, each night's brutality etching deeper scars into my young heart. My mother, Margaret Hemsworth, a fragile and timid woman, could offer little protection.

My escape was to the Seymour's home, but arriving late at home would also result in a beating. I'd hide in the corner of the room. In those moments, I'd become someone else, someone strong and brave, a hero who could rescue me from the nightmare of my life.

It wasn't until my early teenage years that James had died, leaving me alone with the woman, I'm supposed to call mother.

The memory of those nights still lingers, a dark shadow that's shaped who I've become. It's a story I keep locked away, a reminder of the strength it took to endure my father's cruelty and forge my own path.


Word count : 384

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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