Chapter 19 - Cabin in the woods

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i follow the red car all the way to a cabin in the woods, we park the cars, i leave the car and Lucas does the same, after a quick conversation, we decide taht we should search the aea while, the others wait in the cars.

Lucas and I approach the cabin in silence. I can't help but feel a sense of unease in this unfamiliar territory. While I'm accustomed to navigating treacherous situations, the presence of Jane and Zane has made me more cautious, urging me to be vigilant for any potential threats.

We reach the cabin's entrance, its old, weathered wood whispering tales of countless secrets it's harbored over the years. My instinct compels me to search the area. The world outside has become a battleground, and danger lurks in every shadow. I can't allow myself to become complacent.

As I push open the cabin door, a musty odor greets us, a blend of damp wood and fading memories. The cabin's interior is dimly lit, but we can make out a cozy living room, the centerpiece being a stone fireplace that has likely provided warmth and solace to those who once called this place home.

Lucas and I begin our search, systematically examining each room and corner. I try to ignore the feelings of unease that rise within me. My years of growing up in a tumultuous environment have taught me to remain vigilant, to never let my guard down, even in what should be a safe haven.

We're met with only silence, and no signs of life, past or present, other than the distant howling of the wind. We've found shelter in this remote cabin, a sanctuary that promises respite and a momentary reprieve from the horrors of the world outside. Yet, I can't help but wonder how long this fleeting sense of safety will last, for the memories of our pasts have made us all too aware that danger can strike when you least expect it.

"How do you know about this place" i question Lucas.

"An old buddy of mine lived here, his parents had died and he chose to leave this place" he pauses trying to recall what had happened to that poor friend of his "he had tried to sell, but nobody had wanted it".

With the search complete, Lucas and I make our way back to the cabin's entrance. We've determined that this shelter will serve as our refuge for the time being, and we must inform the rest of our group that it's safe to join us.

As we step outside, the chilly breeze hits my face, a stark reminder of the harsh reality that surrounds us. The cars are parked in close proximity, waiting to reunite. Each step I take towards them feels like a stride toward a new chapter of uncertainty. I glance over at Lucas, silently acknowledging our shared responsibility for the safety of us all.

I approach my car, hopeful to ease Jane's fears and bring a moment of solace. I rap my knuckles gently on the window, and she turns to face me, her eyes reflecting the torment of recent events. I offer a reassuring smile, though I know that no words can mend the profound grief she must be experiencing.

"It's safe now," I tell her, keeping my voice steady and gentle. Her response is minimal, barely a nod of acknowledgment. Her silence is the eloquent expression of her sorrow, loss, and feeling of betrayal.

Zane gets out of the car leaving a sleeping Joel in the backseat, he opens the car for Jane, and help her get out. i take the keys from my car as the trunk is being opened, Jane takes a bag of hers and moves towards the entrance of the cabin, Zane gets closer to me.

"It will be fine" he pauses "She wont stay mad at you for a long time" he just stands still beside me.

"I should be the one telling you, that everything will be fine" i sigh, observing Joel sleeping, Noah and his mother talking, Lucas setting something in the red car, and Jane struggling with her big bag. i have the sudden urge to help, and i take a step forward, but there Mike is, helping her, and even making her smile.

As I stand there beside Zane, observing Jane and Mike interact, a sense of unease gnawed at me. It is bothering me that Jane seems to be finding solace in Mike's company. Mike's science jokes and soft school boy, has an uncanny way of eliciting smiles from Jane, a feat that I have found hard to achieve today

i look back at Zane, seeing a grin on his face.

"What?" i ask, and Zane just lets out a chuckle, while punching my arm..

Zane's words does little to ease my apprehension. I can't help but feel a twinge of resentment, not towards Jane or Mike, but towards the circumstances that has brought us to this point. I know we all have our roles to play in keeping Joel and ourselves safe, and I have to find my place among this. Even if this place means watching a boy who hasnt even gotten through puberty yet, flirt with Jane.

Stepping back, I shift my focus to little Joel, sound asleep in the car. His innocence amidst the surrounding turmoil is a bittersweet reminder of the normality we were forced to leave behind.

Lucas catches my eye and gestures toward the cabin, reminding me that it's time to regroup with the others. We are granted a brief respite from the external threats, and it is an opportunity to strengthen the tenuous bonds holding us together. I follow Lucas, acknowledging that the days ahead would require our collective strength as we navigate this new, perilous world.


We have managed to light a fire in the living area, but decide we shouldn't sleep separated, but in this little living room. the rest of the house is unbelievable chilly. i sit up against the wall, letting my head rest on the wall, with closed eyes.

"Tommy, did you know that firemen also help with getting cats who are stuck on a tree, back down" Joel says as he plays with his firetruck.

"No i didnt" i pause "what else do they help with?" i question, just for Joels entertainment.

"You are so silly, Tommy. How can you not know the basic things" he giggles at my stupidity, and i start play fighting with him, pretending to stab his stomach with my fingers, but actually just tickling him.

I look up, Janes smile catching my attention. once again is she giggling at Mike, and that feeling is back, the feeling of unease and protectiveness, my jaw tightens.

"Did you tell your father about what the firemen help with?" i ask Joel, just to distract my mind on something else.

Joel shakes his head.

"go tell him" i pat his head, and he continues to Zane, who is busy with something in another room.

I eye Jane and Mike once again. Jane needs to be away from me for a little while, i know that, but i cant stop being bothered that Mikes is the reason for her smile, and not me. 


Word count : 1190

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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