Chapter 23 - Betrayal revealed

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I head into the cabin, determined to grab Mike's backpack. Our group is preparing to leave, and we need to get moving. I've been trying to stay focused on our survival, but it's hard with the weight of loss and pain hanging over us.

As I search for Mike's bag, my fingers brush against a crumpled piece of paper. I pull it out, curious about what it might be. The moment my eyes scan the content, my heart sinks.

It's a contract, and it's all about "Light." The name sends shivers down my spine. I know this word all too well. I've seen the horrors it has unleashed, the nightmares it has created.

My eyes dart over the document, and I can't believe what I'm reading. Emma Venus owns 49% of the virus, and Mike Monroe holds 6%. They're selling the virus to someone named Evan Boyle, and the price they're asking for is a staggering 15 million dollars.

Rage wells up inside me. I can't believe that Mike is involved in this, that he's selling something so deadly and destructive. I thought I knew him, but this... this is beyond comprehension. I make my way out of the cabin.

My voice shakes as I approach Mike. "Explain this," I demand, pushing the contract into his chest. His expression remains stoic, unyielding. I wait for a reply, but im met with nothing.

"I told you they will use 'Light' as something bad," I continue, my anger growing. I can't believe he's been part of this. "You are the reason my parents are dead." My heart sinks.

Mike doesn't respond, and his silence is infuriating. I can't hold back my emotions anymore. The pain and anger surge through me, and I confront him with my grief and fury. "I am done blaming myself. Mike, this was your doing. You sold 'Light,' and for what, money?"

He finally speaks, but his words only enrage me further. "No, Jane. You are the reason your parents are dead. If you hadn't created this virus, none of this would have happened."

My heart feels like it's tearing apart. My actions and the devastation they've caused crashes down on me. But then, I remember Mike's involvement in all of this. He's not innocent. I won't let him shift the blame to me.

"I'm done blaming myself," I declare, my voice wavering but determined. "Mike, this was your doing, and I won't let you escape from it."

As I confront him, the others begin to understand the truth. My role in the creation and Mike's role in the sale of the virus becomes clear, and my anger is mirrored in their expressions.

The confrontation intensifies when Lucas shares a dark secret about Mike's intentions toward me, one that leaves me feeling violated and unsafe. My anger and sorrow turn into an unquenchable rage. Without thinking, I watch Thomas leap into action, unleashing a flurry of punches on Mike.

Time moves slower as I watch the fight unfold, my heart pounding in my chest. Thomas's unleashed anger is both frightening and oddly mesmerizing, the raw intensity in his eyes drawing me in. He moves with a controlled violence that's both powerful and strangely alluring. His every muscle flexes with each punch, and the heat of the moment seems to make him even more attractive.

The world around me blurs as the fight intensifies, but one thing is crystal clear: My family has my back, and Thomas, with his chiseled jaw and piercing eyes, stands out among them. The combination of his unwavering protectiveness and the adrenaline coursing through his veins only adds to his irresistible allure. My feelings of anger, betrayal, and fear are mixed with a strange sense of admiration, as he fights to keep me safe.

Zane rushes to intervene, grabbing Thomas and pulling him away, but the damage has been done.

As the dust settles, a bloodied and bruised Mike lies on the ground, his face a painful testament to the consequences of his actions. The room is filled with tension, a heavy silence hanging in the air. I'm trembling, a mix of emotions flooding through me — anger, betrayal, and fear, but also a strange sense of satisfaction.

Lucas moves closer, his expression serious. "We need to leave him here," he says firmly. "We can't bring him with us."

There's a sense of finality in his words, a decision that we all understand. We can't afford to have someone like Mike in our group, someone who has betrayed us and been a danger to me.

Zane nods in agreement. "Lucas is right. We can't trust him."

With a heavy heart, I silently agree. We've had enough losses, and we can't afford to be slowed down by someone who might pose a threat. We have to put our safety first.

Thomas glances back at Mike, his anger still simmering. The sight of his sculpted physique and the way he carries himself with unwavering confidence makes my heart race. "Let's go," he says, taking a step toward the exit.

I fall in line, shifting my focus away from the bruised and beaten Mike. His decisions have led him to this point, and he'll have to confront the fallout. Climbing into the cars, a surge of longing for Thomas washes over me. With a determined rev of the engine, Thomas takes the lead, following Lucas's car. As I gaze out the window, Mike dwindles into the distance, swallowed by the dense forest.


Word count : 888

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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