Chapter 12 - Midnight secrets

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Lying in the darkness, I wrestle with the memories of the day's events that keep replaying in my head like an unsettling movie. The unease of it all makes it impossible for me to find solace in sleep. I turn and turn in my childhood bed, my thoughts refusing to calm down.

The sound of distant moans, the eerie cries of the infected outside, make me shudder. The world has become a frightening place, and our home feel like a fragile sanctuary in the middle of all the chaos. I miss the days when I can drift off to sleep without a care in the world. The weight of the past weeks, the knowledge of the virus I had accidentally created, and the fear for the safety of my family loomed over me. I turn my gaze to the window, where the pale moonlight filters in, casting its soft glow into the room.

Frustrated with my inability to sleep, I decide to get out of bed and head to the washroom. Perhaps splashing some cold water on my face will help clear my thoughts and bring me some resemblance of calm.

Carefully, I slip out from under the covers. The floor feel cold under my feet as I make my way through the dimly lit room, avoiding any creaking floorboards. I reach the washroom, its door creaking slightly as I push it open. I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, my own eyes reflecting the fear and uncertainty that has become a little too familiar in this new world. As I dry my face, I feel isolation wash over me. I open the door and there standing a dark figure, the bathroom light shining in his face and revealing Thomas.

"Can't sleep?" he asks, and I nod.

"Me neither" he confesses "It's wild, this is wild"

"shh not so loud, let's go to my room" I take his hand and pull him into my room which is right across. I close the door behind us.

"I must say, Jane. if you want me in your bed, you just have to say so" he jokes.

"oh gosh, do you ever stop" I say, pretending to be annoyed and rolling my eyes at him.

Thomas's playful manners is a welcoming relief from the heaviness that has settled in my heart. A small chuckle escapes my lips, despite the tension that lingers in the air.

"You really know how to lighten the mood, don't you?" I quip.

He winks in response. "That's what I'm here for," he smirks once more

As I settle in my bed, my back leaning against the headboard, I pat the space beside me.

Thomas joins me on the bed, sitting close but not too close. The warmth of his presence is a comfort and a reminder that we are in this together. In this dark, uncertain world, we can still find solace in each other's company.

I'm on the verge of confessing, of sharing the burden of my secrets with Thomas, but I hesitate. I can't bear the thought of being the villain in his story. the words that slip from my lips are different.

"Thomas," I begin, my voice a whisper, "I'm scared."

His gaze shifts from his hands to my face, and his eyes hold a warmth that mirrors his reassuring presence. "Jane, it's okay to be scared. It's what keeps us alive in situations like this."

His response surprises me, but it's a welcome distraction from my inner turmoil. "Want to play cards?" he asks, and for a moment, I'm taken aback.

"Cards?" I repeat, puzzled.

He grins, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, I didn't imagine our first night alone together quite like this. But here we are."

A genuine chuckle escapes my lips, and I nod. "Sure, let's play."

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