Chapter 24 - Shelter of hope

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The journey to the camp has been a mixture of hope and apprehension. It is a stark contrast to the nomadic existence we have known in the outside world.

As we approach the camp's gates, a peculiar feeling washes over me. Wire fences, a concept that once symbolized confinement, now promised safety. We have heard in the radio of this sanctuary, a place where survivors band together to reclaim some semblance of normalcy. But for me, it is a leap of faith into the unknown.

The guards stationed at the entrance eye our group with a mixture of caution and curiosity. We are met with hushed conversations and appraising glances, a customary welcome for newcomers. Lucas stepped forward to explain our circumstances, and after some deliberation, they allowed us entry. Lucas has been taking the lead of the family, with me and my brother and my aunt June, being devastated of my parents death, and Joel and Noah being too young, has Lucas stepped up, with some help from Thomas. I steal a glance at Thomas, noticing his knuckles being red, even bloody, my eyes move further up, and then I'm captivated by his green eyes, staring at me, my breath gets a little heavy and my cheeks heat up.

He stares at me with big intensity, and I am forced to break eye contact.

The camp, a makeshift town within a world ravaged by chaos, sprawled before us. Tents formed a patchwork of survival, surrounded by makeshift barricades and watchtowers. We are able to hear the people inside, but not loud enough for it to be a ringing food bell for the walkers.

Lucas stands still with his hands in the air, because the men behind the fences are clearly ready too shoot. "We are not infected" he pauses, considering what to say next. "We heard about this camp on the radio, we just want shelter" the men dont seem convinced, not batting an eye.

I take a step to the front and say out loud "We have supplies".

The men start to whisper, i clearly caught their attention now. A Man with a mix of black and grey hair takes a step forward, making him stand in the sunlight. he got broad shoulders, and his big muscular arms hold a big gun, i believe its called AK-47.

The man begins to talk "Keep your hands in the air. Everybody" He demands, and we comply, the gates open.

As we walk through the camp's gates, the imposing figure of the man with black and gray hair introduces himself as General Hargrove. His steely eyes bear into each of us as he acknowledges our presence with a nod. I couldn't help but notice the tension in the air as our group begins to comply, hesitantly, to his demands. Everybody looks down, but Thomas, his held high, back straight and stiff.

The General asks us to hand over our car keys. Lucas, ever the practical thinker, promptly handed his over. But when he turned his attention to Thomas, the atmosphere shifted. Thomas hesitated, suspicion etched across his face. For a moment, it felt like he might refuse, and I could see the gears turning in his mind, wrestling with the decision.

Thomas glances at me and i give him a nod in desperation, Thomas gives in, reluctantly, and hands over the car keys. His mistrust clings to him like a shadow, making me wonder if he has a valid reason to be so guarded. But here, in this sanctuary of survivors, we have little choice.

The General ushers us onward into a sterile-looking lab. Medical personnel in white coats bustle about, conducting tests, checking for health issues, and searching for any signs of infection. The transformation from the chaos outside to the clinical environment was startling, and my breath seem to ease.

The nurse with a gentle touch prepares to draw blood, and I seize the opportunity to satisfy my curiosity.

"Are you checking for the presence of specific antibodies against the virus?" I inquire. "And are you monitoring changes in viral loads or tracking the mutation rate over time?"

The nurse's eyes widen in surprise, and she nods in response. "Yes, those are precisely the things we're monitoring. How did you know about these details? Your questions show an impressive understanding of microbiology."

With a small, knowing smile, I explain, "I have a background in microbiology and viruses, so these concepts are quite familiar to me"

The nurse proceeds with the blood draw, and I couldn't help but feel that my knowledge in this field was proving valuable in this new community. i look away from the nurse and notice General Hargrove eyeing me for a second.

Throughout the examination, General Hargrove supervises closely, his gaze never wavering. He observes our group like a hawk. His focus shifting momentarily as he notices Thomas's battered knuckles, red and swollen from some recent altercation.

With a commanding presence, the General turns to Thomas. "What happened to your hand?" he asks, his voice demanding an answer. Thomas looks unbothered, his act not faltering once, He starts talking without emotions "Nothing". The General's piercing eyes seem to see through any falsehood or half-truth. Lucas, who again takes the lead, came to Thomas's aid.

"He was fighting of one of those walkers" Lucas says.

The General raises an eyebrow at the word "walker," his expression morphing into a smirk. "Walkers? That's an interesting choice of name," he muse, his curiosity piqued. "We might use that." His cryptic words hangs in the air.

"Are you all related?" the nurse asks, General Hargrove is eyeing Thomas

"Yes" I answer.

General Hargrove takes a step closer, looking at all of us. "You will all share 1 big tent" he pauses "1 tent for each family is the rule here" he grins.

"you can take your bags, and my friend here will help you to your tent" General Hargrove steps to the side, giving space to a young beautiful girl, with a smaller gun, but in similar clothing like general hargrove.

"This is sergeant Vera Thorne". General Hargrove introduces, and leaves us be with sergeant Vera Thorne.


Sergeant Vera Thorne leads our group through the camp's labyrinth of tents and makeshift homes. She has an air of authority, and her demeanor is no-nonsense. With each step, she explains a few basic rules, emphasizing the importance of contributing to the community. "Everyone here has their role to play," she begins. "We're a family, and that means we all work together to survive. When we arrive at the tent you can rest, but tomorrow each of you will need to report to the designated work areas and let us know what you can do."

As we arrive at our tent, Vera turns to us and adds, "You've had a long journey, and I can see that you've been through quite a bit." Her eyes show a hint of compassion beneath the stern exterior. "For today, I'll let you rest. But come tomorrow, we'll need to know where your skills lie, whether it's in construction, farming, medical, or something else." She looks at me for a moment, her gaze almost assessing, and then continues, "So be ready to make your contributions."

With a final nod, she leaves us to our own devices. The camp has its own rhythm, and we're now a part of it, each of us with a role to play in this collective struggle for survival.

We all take in the tent, its size being ridiculous considering its for 7 people. Luckily though there are enough beds. we all walk slump into the beds, exhausted from the constant fear and sorrow.

"What now?" Noah asks.

"We survive" Lucas answers without missing a beat. "But for now, we can rest"

We spend the day inside the tent, not being ready to socialise, the night finally arriving and we all laying in bed. Us running and fighting kept me busy from feeling my feelings. My mother. My father. both gone. I lay in bed crying, wetting my pillow, and like this we all fall asleep.


Word count : 1330

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


Untold Story  ║  Book 1 of The Untold seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن