Chapter 1

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England, 1662

"My Lady? Time to wake up!"

Lady Sofia Graves rolled over in her bed and blinked, rubbing at her eyes as the sunlight streamed in from the large window nearby. It was going to be a perfect day, her day.

Her personal maid, Mary, moved to the other window and opened the heavy curtains, allowing more sunlight into the room.

Sofia sighed. She'd been having a wonderful dream, and had been about to meet her mate, but she had woken up before he'd turned to her.

It wasn't the first time she'd had the dream, but it always ended the same, leaving her disappointed that she never saw the face of the mysterious man who was meant to be hers.

"My Lady, we have brought up breakfast for you. Then we must start preparing you for the ball," her other personal maid, Laura said. Mary and Laura had been with her family most of their lives, and had both been her personal maids since she was a child. They were both members of her pack.

Sofia sat up in her bed, and Mary immediately adjusted the pillows behind her back. A tray was placed in front of her, and Laura pulled the cover off her meal. Bread with marmalade sat on one side of her plate, while bacon and eggs were on the other. A bowl, filled with porridge filled the room with its scent.

The maids bustled around her bedroom while she ate, in preparation for the ball. A large tub was brought in and set before the fire, and several maids paraded in, carrying hot water for her bath. While most humans rarely, if ever bathed, werewolves did so much more frequently because their sense of smell was much more acute. And it was a special day.

Once she'd broke her fast, the tray was removed and Mary and Laura helped her undress and into the tub. They made quick work of bathing her body, before moving on to her luxurious black hair.

She let her thoughts wander as she sat through their ministrations. Tonight, a ball was being held in her honor since she had reached the age appropriate to finding her mate. Guests had been arriving for the last few days, but Sofia had been restricted from seeing any of them. Her parents wanted her to find her mate at the ball, and not before. Knowing he could be in the house right under her nose made Sofia giddy, but she would go along with her parents' wishes.

Tawny, her wolf, kept assuring her that he wasn't there yet. 'We'd be able to smell him if he was here.'

Laura helped her out of the now cold water and wrapped her in a towel, drying her off. She shrugged into a dressing gown, and the maids returned for the tub, removing it from her room. She sat down in front of the fire again and Laura began to brush her hair.

Sofia was an Alpha's daughter. Her father was also an Earl in the English aristocracy, and she had always had a life of privilege. She was pampered and spoiled, but despite that, Sofia still maintained a sweet disposition. Everyone who met her couldn't help but like her.

Sofia wondered if she would be disappointed if she didn't meet her mate tonight. She knew the Werewolf Summit was in a few weeks, and she would have another opportunity then to look for him. The Summit was hosted by the Alpha King every five years, and wolves from all over the world would attend. Sofia believed her father would be disappointed though if his daughter wasn't mated to an English Alpha. Not that she would mind. Traveling to another country to live would be a grand adventure.

Hours passed as the maids spent time working on Sofia's hair as it dried. A late lunch was brought in, then they began the tedious process of dressing her for the ball.

Her father had ordered fabric and lace from Paris, and brought in a fabulous seamstress to create the gown. It was green and gold and it was absolutely stunning. She was so excited to wear the beautiful creation.

There would be many eligible alphas or future alphas below, waiting to see if the daughter of the Alpha of the Northumbria pack, one of the largest and most powerful in England, was their mate.

She had spent the last few months daydreaming about her mate, her knight in shining armor. The man who would sweep her off of her feet, love and adore her. She sighed happily. Hopefully she would give him many pups.

No expense had been spared for this event. Her mother had spent months planning it, wanting her eldest daughter to have the perfect day. Invitations had been sent out, and even the Alpha King himself would attend her Ball.

Sofia sighed dreamily. Every girl she knew wished to be mated to the Alpha King. She had met him once, five years ago at the previous Summit, and had immediately developed a crush on the handsome wolf. He'd been kind to her. Perhaps tonight, she would get the chance to dance with him.

Mary and Laura began the tedious process of helping Sofia into her undergarments. She sat down to allow them to put on her dainty little golden slippers.

She hoped to dance the night away on her mate's arm. Music crept up from the ballroom below, and Sofia hummed along to the tune.

"Let's get you in that dress, my lady," Laura said, pulling Sofia out of her musings. She stood and walked over to the beautiful gown.

The seamstress had spent hours laboring over the dress, and it would highlight her green eyes, dark hair, and fair skin.

She stood quietly as Laura and Mary dressed her in the exquisite gown. Once the dress was on, she twirled around in delight. She loved how the new fashion included bare shoulders.

'Mate is here,' Tawny suddenly spoke up, interrupting Sofia's thoughts. She'd been quiet all day, more so than usual.

'You're sure?' Sofia asked her excitedly.

'Yes, I can feel his presence,' Tawny wagged her bushy tail in delight.

"You look beautiful, my lady," Mary gave her a smile.

"Thank you. I'd better go." She turned to the door as Laura opened it. She could hear the music below, and excitement swept through her as she headed towards the stairs.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now