Chapter 11

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Lord Aydan kept the carriage moving straight through the night, eager to return home. He'd been in town on business for a while now and was looking forward to sleeping in his own bed.

Charlotte dozed, sleeping the best she could on the bumpy ride to the unknown. She missed Penny terribly and hoped nothing bad had happened to her, and those thoughts plagued her on and off all night.

The following morning, they finally stopped to stretch their legs, and eat.

Charlotte walked around the carriage slowly. Lord Aydan had four other men with him that were standing guard. Running had crossed her mind again, but she knew it wasn't a wise idea. She was in the middle of nowhere, and the men would easily catch her. They all were well muscled specimens that could probably break her in half. Even if she did manage to escape, where would she go? More than likely, she'd get lost and die of starvation, if a wild animal didn't get her first. She shuddered. She'd be an idiot to run at this point.

"Charlotte! Come eat." Lord Aydan had pulled out a basket of food, but Charlotte wasn't hungry. Her stomach was upset due to her distress over Penny and the uncertainty of the future.

"I am not hungry, my lord," she informed him, raising her chin as she sent him a glare.

"You will eat," Lord Aydan looked annoyed.

"I'm not hungry," Charlotte repeated, determined to not allow this man to force her to do anything.

"Charlotte, I will turn you across my knee and spank your pretty little bottom again," he threatened.

She paled at his words, and glanced at the other men, embarrassed that he had said such a thing so loudly. She marched over to him, ready to give him a piece of her mind, but he shoved a scone in her mouth the moment she opened it.

"You should have told me that you prefer that I hand feed you, my pet." Aydan smirked at her.

Charlotte blushed as she chewed the scone. She really was hungry. So much for her resolve. The food had never tasted so good to Charlotte and she popped another scone in her mouth and moaned softly at the taste. Her gaze met Lord Aydan's and she blushed, then sat down to eat. When they were through, he gathered everything together, then assisted her into the carriage.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked, climbing in behind her.

"Yesterday morning," she whispered. "When we were still on the ship."

"Next time, please let me know. I would have made sure you had a meal last night."

"I wouldn't have eaten last night either," she said defiantly as she smoothed out her skirts.

Lord Aydan huffed. "Do you enjoy making yourself miserable?"

"No," she whispered.

"Then why do you proceed to do so?" Lord Aydan stared at her incredulously.

"I have been miserable for the last several weeks. Why change now?" She glared at him.

"Charlotte, I have no intention of making you miserable," Lord Aydan said quietly.

Charlotte scoffed. "You purchased me to use as your concubine!"

"And you think such a thing would be miserable? I'm rather insulted by your lack of faith on my ability to pleasure you." Lord Aydan looked insulted.

"Must you say such things?!" She blushed.

He was quiet for a moment. "I did not purchase you to be my concubine."

Her gaze snapped back to his. He didn't?

"As much as I would love to bed you Charlotte, and I do believe you would be quite responsive under my touch, I did not purchase you for my bed." He stared at her.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now