Chapter 32

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Caleb had chosen to go to Northumbria by horseback. He wanted to get there as quickly as possible, see what Alpha Jacob wanted, and get back to his pack.

He would have preferred to not have to go to Northumbria at all. Anytime there had been a need to go, he had always sent Ragnar or Roland. But Alpha Jacob was starting to get demanding and Caleb had decided to make this trip himself. He had thought about denying the Alpha's request, but then decided he needed to assert his own power over the Alpha and remind him who was king.

Riding gave him plenty of time to think, and as usual, his thoughts were on Charlotte. They never strayed far from her. Now that he'd bedded her, images of her naked beneath him ran through his mind. He could barely get enough of her. He'd lost track of how many times he'd bedded her now.

But, he still had no intention of claiming her as his mate. He would never mark her or let anyone know. It had also influenced his decision to go to Northumbria. The need to mark her had gotten very strong and he thought time away might be good for both of them.

Storm was still angry with him about that, and rarely said a word to him. 'Im the logical one,' Caleb reminded him.

'No, you're the stupider one,' Storm retorted. 'We still must produce an heir.'

Caleb was quiet for a while, lost in thought. Storm was right, which annoyed him. He'd had a plan, but Charlotte had messed that up.

'She could give us an heir,' Storm said quietly.

Images of Charlotte pregnant with his pup crossed his mind. 'What if she doesn't survive the birth?'

Storm was quiet after that. Caleb knew the pregnancy would be difficult on her and the chances were high she wouldn't survive.

A few hours later, he came upon the spot where Sofia had been murdered. He slipped off of his horse and walked slowly over the area, remembering what had happened that day. If only she hadn't died. Things would be so different. He would have an heir. They would be happy together.

He stared at the ground in anger. At least her killers were gone as well, though Caleb wanted to bring them back to life and kill them again, slowly.

Sofia would have been a perfect queen, ruling by his side. There was such a difference between her and Charlotte. She a wolf, while Charlotte was a fragile human. Sofia had a dark exotic beauty, while Charlotte had that gorgeous blond hair and blue eyes. Sofia had been a typical English lady, concerned with the latest fashion and gossip, while Charlotte.. he frowned.. he really didn't know what Charlotte liked to talk about. He didn't need to know. He didn't need to get attached.

Storm snorted. 'Idiot. You're already attached.'

Caleb ignored him. He was NOT attached to her. Nor would he ever be. He finally mounted his horse again and took off, annoyed. Why had Sofia been taken from him and then he'd been given Charlotte? A strong she-wolf with Alpha blood for a mere human. Sofia had been sweet, kind and gentle, while Charlotte had a fiery temper and was so willing to please him.. he cut the thought off with annoyance. Charlotte was nothing to him.

Storm growled in his mind. 'Mate is not nothing.'

'She'll never be our mate. I will not claim her. She's only good for satisfying our needs, nothing more,' Caleb argued.

'Because you have never taken the time to get to know her. You don't even know why she has nightmares, or how she came to us. You are a bad mate,' Storm growled.

Caleb sighed, but ignored his wolf. The beast was just upset that he wouldn't mark Charlotte. He'd have to get over it.

Caleb finally arrived at Northumbria. It was late, and the staff greeted him and brought him dinner. "Where is Alpha Jacob?" he asked the maid.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now