Chapter 23

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Caleb had been waiting on the edge of his seat for Charlotte to arrive. He hadn't seen her awake since their meeting in the stairwell and had been surprised when Brianna had told him that Charlotte wanted an audience with him. She hadn't said why but he'd granted it.

'I'm doing this for you,' Caleb told Storm.

'I almost believe that,' Storm responded back. 'You may be able to lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me. I see right through it. You want to see her just as badly as I do.'

Caleb ignored him as he heard the knock at his door. He'd known the moment she'd gotten close, her scent alerting him to her nearness.

"Come In." The door opened and Charlotte walked in, a shawl clutched around her shoulders. She had on a light blue dress that matched her eyes. Her hair was up and covered, which Caleb hated. He liked it better down.

He realized this was the first time he had ever seen her in a dress, or with really any clothing on. He preferred her naked.

She stopped a few feet from his desk and dropped into a curtsy. "Alpha. I have come with a few requests."

Charlotte could feel her body's reaction to him the moment she entered the room. It was as though her body anticipated his touch and craved it. She craved him.

"Sit down, Charlotte." Caleb motioned to one of the chairs in front of his desk and Charlotte perched on it. "Now, what are your requests?

Charlotte took a deep breath, trying to gather a bit of courage. When she'd asked Brianna for an audience with the king, she hadn't expected it to be immediate. She looked down at her lap, licking her lips. "I would like to have freedom to move about the castle."


The question startled her and she looked up, meeting his gaze, before looking back at her lap again. "I would like to see the library, and possibly borrow some books, if that is acceptable. I'd like to get my meals from the kitchen myself, and perhaps help out."

Caleb was a bit surprised by the last part. He highly doubted that Charlotte had ever set foot in a kitchen in her life. "Isn't someone bringing your meals to you in your room?"

"Yes, but I'd like to be able to get them myself. I just want the freedom to come and go as I please," she explained, still staring at her lap nervously.

"Isn't Ragnar taking you out of the castle daily?" Caleb asked her. He was a bit annoyed that she wouldn't even look at him.

"He is, and I thank you for that, Alpha." Charlotte felt like she was fighting an uphill battle. "But that is only for maybe an hour a day, if that. The rest, I am alone with just my thoughts."

"You're a slave, Charlotte. I would think that would be enough." Caleb wasn't sure how he felt about her walking around the castle alone. What if something happened to her?

She looked up at him at him defiantly. "I'm also a human being with feelings, who is bored out of her mind."

Caleb's eyebrows shot up at her tone. "And you think that should earn you privileges to use my books and help out in my kitchen?"

"Yes, I do." She didn't drop her gaze this time. She could feel herself growing annoyed with him.

"For a slave, you're awfully demanding," Caleb commented. He hadn't taken his eyes off of her once. She was so perfect, he could stare at her all day.

"I haven't demanded anything. I'm just making a request." Her eyes flashed in anger.

Caleb stared at her for a long moment. He really didn't want her wandering around, but he also knew he couldn't keep her caged for the rest of her life either. Somehow he had a feeling she would rebel.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now