Chapter 18

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Two days later, Charlotte found herself back in the carriage headed towards the Alpha King's home. The journey would take three days, part by carriage, and part by ship. Charlotte was apprehensive about boarding a ship again.

She was also apprehensive about the Alpha King. She was being gifted to a man whom she doubted would even want her. A man who more than likely would use her and discard her. She didn't want to be shut away somewhere and forgotten. Or passed around among his men.

What if she fell in love with him? It would never be returned. She had to make sure that never happened. She was a slave now, something she was still having a hard time wrapping her head around.

She had also learned that the Alpha King needed an heir. Aydan seemed to think he would want a pure wolf for an heir, not one that was half human. So, more than likely, she would have to share him with someone else. Charlotte knew that there was a good chance her heart would get broken. She wished that she could walk away. She was still grieving the deaths of her family. Exposing herself to more heartache just seemed like it would crush her.


The Alpha King's home was a wonder. Built in the Ninth Century, the castle had been recently updated for the fifth time. It was large, sprawling, and bustling with activity.

They were greeted at the entrance by a young woman and shown to their rooms. Two were provided, one for Lord Aydan and his Beta, Brandon; and a tiny room for Charlotte. The others who were attendeding the event with them were housed in an outbuilding built for that purpose.

Charlotte's room had a small bed and wash stand. When her trunk was placed inside, she barely had room to move around. Aydan had told her it was temporary, and she would probably be moved later.

The young woman who had greeted them had shown Charlotte where the kitchen and bath house were, though she cautioned Charlotte to spend most of her time in her room with the door bolted. Charlotte had slipped out her first day there to visit the bath house and wash off the dust from the trip.

The King's bath house was similar to Aydan's and Charlotte gladly seated herself in the hot steaming water. She was sore from traveling and so exhausted. She'd gotten accustomed to bathing daily and found that she truly enjoyed it. It was a custom she was glad the Alpha King partook in.

After Charlotte was finished, she found her way to the kitchen for a meal. One of the women had greeted her kindly and given her a plate of food. Charlotte had taken it back to her room. The kitchen was extremely busy, and she didn't want to be in the way.

Charlotte picked up a piece of bread and bit into it. She closed her eyes in delight as the bread practically melted on her tongue.

She sighed, wishing for the millionth time that Penny was there just to talk to. Even Alpha Aydan would be better than sitting here alone. He was quite informative about werewolves and had answered all of her questions.

Aydan had told her that most of those she came across here at the castle would be wolves, but there were the occasional humans. While generally wolves mated with other wolves, sometimes a wolf had a human mate. Charlotte sighed. Given how much they seemed to revere this whole mate thing, it made her wish she could have a mate. It seemed like that might be the only way out of her situation. But she also knew it was highly unlikely.

Having someone who would cherish and adore her would forever be a fantasy in her world. Her reputation was ruined the moment the pirates took her.

Aydan had told her that sometimes, if a wolf couldn't find his mate, he would choose one. While the bond wouldn't be the same, they could still be happy together. Charlotte didn't see happiness in her own future. She was destined to have her heart crushed. Charlotte would be forever at the mercy of the Alpha King, unless he chose to give her to someone else, which Aydan had said was also possible.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now