Chapter 26

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Once Charlotte was back in her room, she set down the books she'd brought back up from the libraries and glanced through them, deciding which one she wanted to read first. One in particular caught her attention.

A History of the Alpha King

The book was old but looked like it had barely been opened. She'd have to be careful with it, but she was eager to read it. Maybe the book would help her to understand these people she lived with. She hoped to one day make friends with some of them. She was glad that she now had Penny here, and she considered Brianna a friend, and possibly the cook, who had warmed up to her the longer they worked together. And Ragnar. She could easily see herself developing a friendship with him. Her thoughts drifted to Caleb and she sighed. The one person she was supposed to be a companion to didn't even seem to like her. What was it with Alphas getting under her skin? Probably because they were an "Alpha" male.

Charlotte grabbed the book she'd been reading in the library and settled back down on the window seat, kicking off her shoes and pulling her legs up before tucking herself under the blanket. She opened the book back up. She still had several hours until dinner.

"Charlotte! Help us!" The screams of her parents came across the water as Charlotte stood on the deck of the pirate ship helplessly. She tried jumping into the water, but she couldn't seem to be able to. She could see Katie standing on the deck of the burning ship. "Charlotte! Please help me!"

"No! Please!" she screamed as the pirate held her back, keeping her from saving them.

"Charlotte! Wake up!"

Charlotte opened her eyes to see Brianna leaning over her, shaking her, a very concerned look in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

Charlotte felt the remnants of the dream slip away as she looked up at Brianna, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry to intrude but I could hear you screaming and thought someone was in here," Brianna explained.

Charlotte blushed at her words. "No, I'm okay." Had she ever had a dream where she'd screamed before? She hoped not. She didn't want to disturb Caleb. He already didn't like her. She didn't want to give him more reasons to dislike her like disturbing his sleep.

She wiped at the tears. "Just a nightmare." She tossed the blanket off and stood, slipping her feet back into her shoes.

"Was it about your family?" Brianna asked her softly, brushing Charlotte's hair back.

Charlotte nodded as the tears started up again. Brianna pulled her into a hug, and Charlotte accepted it gratefully. The two women stood there for a while, hugging, until finally Charlotte pulled away. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Any time, my dear," Brianna said softly. "Oh, I came up here to invite you to tea down in the sitting room."

"Oh of course. Let me fetch my shawl." Charlotte grabbed it from her bed where she'd tossed it earlier and wrapped it around her shoulders, then followed Brianna down out of the south tower, excited to see more of the castle.

When they got to the sitting room, Charlotte was surprised to find Penny waiting for them. The two women hugged again happily and settled down for tea with Brianna.

She poured them all a cup, then offered milk and sugar. Charlotte held her cup in both hands, warming them.

"So how did you end up here, Charlotte?" Penny asked curiously, turning to her.

"Well you remember that I left with Lord Aydan?" Charlotte asked her.

Penny nodded.

"He gifted me to Alpha Caleb at the Summit." Charlotte looked down at her tea.  It was embarrassing to tell anyone that. If it was the aristocracy, no one would want anything to do with her. She was glad that neither Penny or Brianna viewed her as a fallen woman. She hadn't chosen this situation.

"As a ..." Penny paused and Charlotte nodded uncomfortably.

"I still find it difficult to believe Aydan did such a thing. Neither Alpha Caleb nor his father have ever kept slaves," Brianna said in annoyance, stirring her tea rather harshly, her amber eyes glowing briefly.

Charlotte watched her with interest. She had forgotten that Brianna was a werewolf. "I guess there is a first for everything," she muttered. "Really though, I haven't been treated like a slave so far." More like a prisoner, she thought but she wouldn't say that outloud.

"If you're forced to be in his bed every night.." Penny commented, studying the other woman. She had finally allowed Roland to bed her, and she hadn't regretted it for a moment. Roland was a wonderful lover and made sure she enjoyed every second of their lovemaking. Hopefully Caleb was at least half that considerate with Charlotte.

Charlotte looked up at her in surprise, and smiled. Roland must be good for Penny if she was speaking her mind so easily. Penny was generally very quiet, though Charlotte could occasionally coax her into chatting away. "I haven't been in his bed." Charlotte sighed. "Enough about me. Penny, tell me what happened with you."

For the next half hour, Penny explained how Roland had purchased her and their adventure to England, her face lighting up as she spoke of the man she adored.

"How does he treat you, Penny?" Charlotte hoped that Penny was happy, but judging from her expression, she had a feeling Roland was the best thing that had happened to her.

"He's very good to me." Penny smiled happily. "I love him."

The women chatted a bit more and decided to meet for tea every day at the same time. When they were finished, Charlotte hugged both women, then headed back up to her room.

The day has turned out so much better than she had expected. Perhaps Caleb wasn't nearly as angry with her as she thought he was. Of course he hadn't spoken to her at any point even though she had seen him at breakfast and the noon meal. He had acted as though she wasn't there, which really didn't surprise her.  Hopefully she would get the chance to thank him soon, but then his words haunted her.

What will you do for me?

She hadn't really known what he meant at the time, but now that she'd had some time to think about it, the possibilities made her blush. She supposed if he wanted something, he'd come to collect.

Thoughts of him touching her again made her tingle. She was always aware of him. She'd felt his presence at breakfast and again at lunch, even though he'd never approached her. The moment he'd entered the dining hall, her body had grown hot and tingly, craving his touch.

She sighed. She didn't fully understand her body's reaction to him, and unfortunately, she couldn't explore it either. Charlotte's curious mind wanted to know why him and no one else. She'd have to patiently wait for their next encounter.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now