Chapter 30

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Charlotte woke the next morning, feeling groggy. She rolled over on her back and sighed. Her dreams from the night before flooded her mind and she blushed. She glanced over at the other side of the bed, but it looked as though it hadn't been slept in.

Last night seemed so real. Caleb had seemed reluctant at first, but he had finally bedded her. The things he had done to her... she blushed again. She still couldn't believe she'd dreamed such things.

And it hadn't been once either. She'd had the same dream more than once with slight variations, though the first time was the most detailed in her mind. The other two times were more of a blur.

Her stomach growled, and she pulled herself out of bed. She couldn't skip meals again today. She dressed quickly, then headed on down to break her fast.

The dining hall had its usual hustle, and Charlotte settled into her usual spot before glancing at the head table. Roland and Penny where there, along with Ragnar, but Caleb hadn't come in yet.

He entered a few moments later and headed up to his seat. At least he was alone today. She remembered him telling her in her dream that the blond woman was his mother and almost laughed out loud. There was no way that woman was his mother. She was much too young. Maybe she had just been a visitor?

Charlotte occasionally glanced over at the head table, and blushed as she remembered her dreams. She wasn't completely naive when it came to coitus. She'd read enough books, and had accidentally came across one of the stable hands bedding a maid, so she had a basic understanding of what happened. But the things Caleb has done to her where like nothing she had ever read. She had a feeling Caleb himself would be shocked if she ever repeated such things to him. Not that she would dare.

Once she was done, she hurried to the kitchen. Normally she didn't go right away, but she knew they could always use the help.


Later that evening, she sat in her room, staring out the window. She'd tried to read but she couldn't concentrate as her thoughts kept drifting back to her dream. It was so vivid.

The closest door opening made her look over and she saw Caleb standing there, looking at her. "Good evening, Alpha."

He closed the door behind himself and walked over to her, sitting down on the other end of the window seat. "How are you?"

She shrugged. "I'm good."

"Are you sore?" Caleb asked her, concern touching his features.

Sore? She remembered how sore she'd been yesterday from sleeping on the window seat the previous night, but how would he know about that? "No?"

"Okay. I was afraid I might have been too rough with you," he said quietly.

She looked at him blankly. She had barely even seen him yesterday. The only time he had been rough with her was in her dreams.. and she'd enjoyed every second of that. "Um.. I'm not sure what you mean."

Caleb frowned at her for a moment, then he laughed. "You still think last night was a dream."

It was a statement instead of a question. Charlotte stared at him, as memories of her dream ran through her head again and she could feel her face growing warmer and warmer. She was quiet for a moment, thinking it all through.

He'd woken her up lifting her off of the window seat. Then he'd helped her change and put her to bed, before joining her. They'd talked and then..

Caleb had watched the play of emotions cross her face. He had known at first that she thought she was dreaming, but he'd figured by the end of it all, she knew she was wide awake.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now