Chapter 14

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The next morning, Charlotte sat in front of Lord Aydan's desk again, waiting for him to speak to her. She'd been watching him write for over an hour, and she was growing annoyed with him. The man lived to irritate her.

"Can you tell me about him?" She asked, finally breaking the silence. She'd spent a good portion of the evening and most of last night thinking through her situation. She had nothing else to occupy her time and planned to ask him for a book today. She knew she had better be on her best behavior.

"Who?" He sat his pen down and looked up at her.

Charlotte blushed a bit under her gaze. It was odd to her to be in a room alone with a man that wasn't family, frowned upon. But then, did that even matter anymore? "This man I'm to be gifted to. I would like to know about him." She lifted her chin at him.

Aydan smirked at her. When he'd seen her, he knew she was exactly what he'd been looking for. Seeing her sitting here now, her chin lifted as she managed to stare down her nose at him, even while he still towered over her, confirmed it. She was like a regal queen looking down over her subjects. If things went the way he hoped, the King would fall for her and make her his Queen. He just hoped Caleb could overlook her insolence and not crush her spirit.

Today she wore a blue dress that matched her blue eyes. Her golden hair was swept up, baring her regal neck, a blue ribbon woven through it. He had taken pity on her and supplied her with help to get ready. He realized he had probably been too harsh on her yesterday.

If things were different, he might have considered keeping her for himself. Bedding her would be a pleasure, and he still could remember how she'd looked naked. His wolf also approved. But Charlotte wasn't his, and she never could be. "He is tall, and muscular. Dark brown hair and blue eyes."

"Handsome?" She asked, biting her lip. "How old is he?" Handsome or not, Charlotte didn't want him to be an old man.

"Yes he is good looking. I have no idea how old he is, but he's still young. Younger than me, I'd imagine."

Charlotte nodded and looked down at her hands. "Is he kind?"

"He's not abusive, Charlotte, but I don't know what he will do with you. He may share you with others, or keep you to himself." Aydan admitted. He highly doubted Caleb would do such a thing, but it was a possibility.

Charlotte blanched at his words. It was bad enough that this Caleb would take from her what she did not wish to give to him, but for him to share her with others? She felt sick.

Aydan ran a hand through his hair. "There is a summit being hosted by him. It starts in a week, and there are some things that need to be discussed before we leave. It's a four day trip, and you are going to need time to process what I am about to tell you," Aydan folded his hands in front of him. He could sense her weariness over what he had already told her, and he hoped what he was about to tell her would not scare her more.

This was the part he had been dreading. The way she reacted would tell him everything he needed to know. If she couldn't handle what he was about to share, he'd have to kill her. But Aydan was a good sense of character, and he'd bet Charlotte would handle it well. She was a smart woman, different from most.

She frowned at him. "Alpha, you have already told me I am to be a concubine to a man I have never met before. How much worse can this get?"

Aydan sighed, looking down at his folded hands.

Charlotte's frown deepened. "That much worse? My Lord, you're frightening me."

He looked up in surprise. "It's nothing bad. It just all depends on how you react to it." Aydan suddenly stood up and took her over to a small settee off to the side of the office. "Have a seat," he said.

She perched on the edge, nervousness starting to radiate throughout her body. Why did she feel as though she was about to learn something life changing?

Aydan sat down beside her. "Do you know what a Werewolf is?"

Charlotte wrinkled her forehead in thought. She felt like she had heard the term before.. Ah yes, her tutor had told her a tale about them. "I've heard of them."

"What do you know?"

"My tutor would tell me some stories. A man cursed to transform into a wolf on the full moon. He would go from village to village, killing those he came across, mostly children." She shivered a bit.

Aydan snorted in disgust.

Charlotte eyed him curiously. "Why?" She suddenly frowned. "You're not telling me that they actually exist?"

"Well aren't you the smart one," he smirked at her.

"Wh-why are you telling me this?" She felt fear course through her. "He's one, isn't he? Is he going to kill me?" Was she being sacrificed to him or something?

Aydan watched the panic start to set in. He grabbed both of her hands. "Charlotte! No one is going to kill you. BREATH!"

She gulped in air, trying to calm down. Aydan held her hands, rubbing them gently with his thumbs. Her mind raced. How was she suppose to live with a monster? Someone who killed for pleasure? And be his concubine and companion? Aydan expected her to allow a werewolf to bed her? She felt the panic start up again, and forced it back down.

"Charlotte, listen to me. The stories you have heard are not all true." Aydan said calmly as he watched her blue eyes dilate with fear. She took in several deep breaths trying to calm herself. She was fighting back tears now, he noticed. "Charlotte, I need you to listen to me. You're losing control. This isn't you. Be strong for me so I can give you the truth."

She took deep long breaths, fighting for control. Finally, she felt mostly calm enough.

"Are you ready to listen?" Aydan looked her over, concern in his eyes.

She nodded.

"The story you told me has been perpetuated by werewolves as a way to keep humans afraid. Humans finding out that werewolves actually exist would be disastrous. They would hunt them down and kill them.

We're not cursed by the full moon and we don't travel from village to village killing everyone. A werewolf that behaved in such a manner would be killed by our own. We must remain hidden to protect our kind." he said calmly.

Charlotte listened carefully, taking in every word. We don't travel from village to village killing everyone. Her eyes suddenly widened in surprise at his words. "We?"

He smiled.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now