Ch. 5 - Interrogation

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Jenny's POV

I could hear them, every last one. The spells and screams and wails.

Why was I the only one who got to safety? Why me, why James and Shadow? God, how I wished it were them not me. I was in that hole for days, though it felt like years. Maybe it would never stop. Maybe I would die right there in the dark, alone.

Part of me preferred the prospect of death than that. I vowed that if I ever got out, I would never let them out of my sight again. I would protect them so they never need be afraid again. I would be the mother we never had.

Shadow's POV

The Death Eaters had taken us. It didn't take them long to track us down and snatch us away to torment our very lives.

I wouldn't go into detail - it hurt too much - still does.

They had done everything within their power to make us beg for our deaths. I couldn't imagine how petrifying it must have been for Jenny, hearing our tormented cries and pleas to end it all there and then.

Long after the Death Eaters had left us to die in the attic, my body had already begun to heal - it was another perk of being a Shadow Claw, I guessed. I had managed to patch up James as best I could, then released Jenny from the confines of her hiding spot, my whole essence aching - physically and mentally.

"Next time it's Shadows turn." Jenny growled, dusting herself off and suddenly throwing her arms around both me and James. He groaned and pulled back, as did I. "I promise, next time it'll be me, not you two. I promise."

"Lay off the hugs. We're a bit tired."I mumbled, curling up and closing my eyes, only to snap them open moments later when the horrifying memories flashed back into my vision. I wouldn't sleep for weeks, neither would James. His nightmares would return for sure.

Two Weeks Later

I was napping on an old rag, while James stroked my soft fur soothingly. Jenny was reading Great Expectations for the millionth time in our five years in that damned attic. Personally, I had given up all hope that anybody would ever come and find us; we were doomed from the start to be confined in this place. Forever. It was all Sirius' fault.

However, Jenny was determined, no matter how much it got on my nerves. James just didn't care; he'd barely spoken in the last two weeks. Jenny and I were worried for his health.

"Shadow?" Jenny called my name, getting my attention. I didn't speak, but I opened my eyes and peered up at her in acknowledgement. "How long will it take before you grow strong enough to knock down a door?" She asked curiously.

Oh great. Another one of her 'theories'.

I huffed in exasperation, "It depends on the material, strength and age of that door-" I began, but she cut me off with a scowl.

"You know what I mean! Just answer it! This could work." She put a thoughtful look on her face.

I sighed, "Fine. Technically, I could do it now if I was trained, but I don't have the mental capacity or the strength in my legs to actually do it." For a six year old Shadow Claw, that was a pretty good statement - my species aged faster than any human, so I was actually about 30 Claw years old.

Jenny made a small hmph noise and fell onto her back in a star-shape. "We just have to get out of here!" She complained loudly.

By this time, I had had enough and was going to make a stand. I growled, leaping to my feet and almost knocking James over. "We are never leaving this place Jenny! We're stuck here forever and you bloody well know it! Stop with your nonsense theories and plans and get your head into the real world! We. Are. Never. Leaving!" I snarled, my breathing irregular and eyes stony.

James frowned, getting up and walking over to Jenny to comfort her. She was frozen with shock at my outburst, a stray tear sliding down her cheek. I had to give it to her, my words were harsher than I had expected, and she took them with a grain of salt. She was strong now; and we all knew it.

"Well, if that's how you feel." She whispered, turning her back to me and allowing James to hug her, most likely more for his own comfort.

Jeez. I felt so bad, that I almost apologized.

But I didn't.

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