Ch. 23 - Choices

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Okay so this chap is going to be a little inaccurate due to the fact that I can't be assed to use the Chamber of Secret book and I literally woke up like only half an hour ago. Aaaaalso, I'm not going to do a POV at the moment of Jenny cuz I'll do that later after she wa- woah, I've already said too much. ;D

Little did I know, that Jenny and Harry Potter were currently inside the Chamber of Secrets, talking to a boy who made out to be one of the strongest wizards ever - Lord Voldemort. Was I afraid to speak his name? No. Fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself.

While one of my best friends was in mortal danger, I was cuddling my mate. "Shade, stop it!" I squealed playfully, falling to the side and pawing his taut belly. Shade purred, making his chest vibrate - which I could feel - then he pounced on me again, peppering my face with licks and nudges. "Okay, okay, I give up." I licked his cheek and slipped away once more.

I snuggled down into his side, tucking my paws underneath me neatly, then laying my head on his paws. Our purring increased, and he licked my cheek lovingly. "Shadow?" He whispered to me after a while. I hummed in response, feeling rather comfortable and quite lazy. "Shadow, look at me. I have something to tell you." He murmured, nuzzling the back of my neck gently. I nodded, peering up at him with my big, purple eyes. "What is it, Shade?" I replied in a soft voice, licking his cheek.

Shade, to my surprise, avoided my lick and shuffled... nervously? I was getting a little worried by then. "What's going on?" I asked a little more urgently. His deep eyes were wary and cautious.

"Well..." He swallowed hard before talking, "The actual reason we met here yesterday was just a coincidence. I had an argument with my father... again... so I came to find you. I smelt you out here and got worried, so I followed you and came when you called for me. I, uh, don't really want to go back to my dad.. because..." He sighed, hanging his head. I shifted to my human, using both my hands to raise his head back up, "Because?" I prompted, my actions gentle as I stroked his fur to calm him down. It seemed to work - his heart rate lowered to a normal pace.

"... Well, because my parents have to step down. They're giving their power to me now, and then they're going to move to Alaska. I was wrong this time in the argument, because no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to shake off this responsibility. They're moving as soon as your school year ends... I guess, because you're going to be my Alpha Female, and my mate too. So... what are your thoughts?" He finished with his head on his paws, his eyes sad but also hopeful.

A lead role? I was never good at taking charge... I guessed I could keep the pack in order but... a whole Alpha? I wasn't sure.

"I.. I honestly don't know... I mean, I've never been good with other people." My thoughts were all jumbled up and flying around my head in waves of confusion. I shifted back, and stood up, stretching out my limbs. "Our responsibilities are shared. It'll be easier for both of us." Shade murmured, licking my cheek and rubbing his side against my pelt. That time, however, it didn't calm me down.

"Shade, I-I-I don't... I don't know..." The more I thought about it, the more my headache increased.

"I don't like it any more than I do, but I don't have a choice. I had to ask you." He said desperately. I nodded, understanding that part. "I understand... but, first you have to resolve this argument between your dad and you, okay?"

Shade's expression turned to disbelief, "What? No! I came here to take your answer for my question, and to help you, and now all I get is advice on my dad's bond with me?!" He snapped. I wasn't about to whimper and give up then, he needed to understand that I needed time. I had too much to do in not enough time.

"Shade, you listen to me n-" I began angrily.

Shade snarled, silencing me, "No, Shadow, you listen to me! You have two choices! Choose between the pack and me, or your human friends and your magic school. Human or Claw?" He growled, stalking towards me. I took steps back until my backside reached a flat rock. Choose between friends or my lover?

James' words drifted through my head from years ago in the attic, when we were only about seven.

"Shaaaadow?" James called for me over in his make-do bed of old cloths and materials. I peered up from a book that Jenny had recommended (Romeo and Juliet ), and nodded, "Yes, James?" I mused gently.

"We're all buddies here, aren't we?" He giggled, lightening my mood. I always valued his laugh. Jenny herself laughed from over in her corner. Ah! She was awake. I purred in amusement. "Of course we are, James. We all are." Jenny replied, sitting up and crawling over to me.

"So you would choose me and Jenny over your boyfriend or your partner or whatever?" James asked me.

I didn't have to think twice about my answer. "Duh! You guys are so much more important to me. I could never choose someone else over you, unless it was me, because I'm fabulous." I giggled, bounding playfully around the room. That little conversation soon turned into a full blown play fight over who was more fabulous.

Never did I think that I would have to choose over my friends and the Claw I loved.

I still didn't have to think twice about my answer.

"If you're making me choose, then I choose my friends. No Claw I love, could be so cruel as to take me away from my best friends." I said, my voice strong. Then before I padded off, leaving Shade and his choices behind, I growled coldly. "It's over, Shade. I don't want a part of this anymore."

Then I made off, but he couldn't see the hurt in my eyes. The physical and mental pain that put me through to do that. "Shadow! Get back here! I'm not done with you!" Shade snarled from below me as I flew through the skies swiftly.

Did I mean what I said? Sure as Hell.

Was I going to crawl back to him ever? Hell no.

He'd soon realise that what he'd done was wrong. He'd learn - I hoped.

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