Ch. 22 - Hogsmeade and Confessions

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I yawned widely, flashing my razor sharp teeth. The atmosphere around me seemed warm and comforting - more of the scent actually. Then the night before hit me like a tonne of bricks. I lurched to my paws and stumbled backwards, staring down at my sleeping mate who had begun to wake up.

I sighed and shook my head, padding slowly over to him and sitting down. He smiled softly and licked my cheek, "Good morning." He purred, rubbing his side along my pelt. I purred deeply and touched his nose with my own. "Will you be here tonight?" I mumbled nervously, burying my muzzle in the mass of fur that surrounded his neck like a thick, fluffy mane. I felt his chest rumbled in a gentle chuckle, "Of course. But I have to get back to camp during the day. Have a good day, Shadow. Don;t forget what I told you." He murmured, and I closed my eyes. "Goodbye."

The air around me turned cold and the wind I had felt yesterday came whipping back into my fur. I opened my eyes to find Shade was gone - along with almost all my happiness. That little smidge of joy, I held onto that day; for I was to see my mate that night and spend another comforting sleep with him beside me.

I smiled as I imagined a little family of ours - Shade and I, along with about three little kittens of our own. I'd never wanted kids, but the prospect of it then made me all fuzzy and warm. I padded through the sun dappled forest, the light landing on my dark fur, giving it a maroon tinge. I gave my pace a quicker step so that I could take off. I spread my wings and leapt off a small hill; my paws dangled below me as I flapped my strong wings and glided through the air.

I marveled at the beauty of Hogwarts before snapping out my daze and making my way towards small figures who were jumping up and down, waving their little hands at me. They smelt like James and Jenny, so I dived for them. Surprise,surprise; it was James and Jenny. "Hey Shadow!" James called, his face a mix of confusion, anger and slight betrayal.

I landed heavily, skidding forwards. I folded in my wings and padded towards my best friends, "Sorry guys. I know what you're going to say..." I muttered, sitting in front of them with a guilty look.

"Indeed. Well, I frankly don't want to know and James probably doesn't care, do you James?" Jenny mused. We both peered at James who just grinned at something only he could see then looked at us with an unsuspecting face, "What?" He asked.

Jenny and I laughed, "Nothing. Come on, we're going to Hogsmeade." Jenny chuckled, walking through the courtyard and down to the village of Hogsmeade. James and I followed, while I also shifted into human. Not all wizards knew about my 'species' and I would've liked it to stay that way.


"Shaaadoooowwwww!" James complained, whining like a pathetic dog. I growled softly and licked my blood lollipop I bought from a Sweet Shop in Hogsmeade. We were in the forest edge just beside the Shrieking Shack. I had taken money, and so had Jenny but James had forgotten to take what little he had. Apparently eating sweets in front of his face wound him up - and it was hilarious!

"Shadow, don't be mean." Jenny teased. I chuckled sarcastically, "Oh you mean like this?" I licked the blood stick again, moaning at the metallic taste of its sweetness. James whined loudly and fell back in the grass, pouting like a stubborn child. "Okay, okay. I'm done." I gave in early, laughing as I gave James another blood lollipop. He leaped into the air, his body changing and forming into something different.

A large, dark, shaggy, mischievous-looking wolf-like creature. The Grim... Junior!?

I instinctively shifted and hissed, raising my hackles and wings at the creature. Jenny just laughed hard, crying with laughter as she fell on the floor. I tipped my head to the side, confused about her reaction. "Shadow, didn't you know James was an animagus? He gets it from Si-... uh, his dad." Jenny said matter-of-factly.

I flopped to the floor, "No. Well, now I just feel silly." I grumbled. James let out a soft bark and took the lollipop in his paws, licking it continuously. I circled his animagus form and nudged his legs now and again, curious as to why he never told me. I mused a small while; his scent was very canine, I guessed. Maybe I had just never noticed because I was too wrapped up in my own feelings.

"Shadow. You're doing it again." Jenny called from a small way up the path, leading to Hogsmeade then up to Hogwarts. I snapped out my daze once again and looked at her, "What? I'm not.. what?" I padded towards her, stumbling when I realised that I was in human form.

"You sat there for like ten minutes? What's wrong with you today?" She asked gently. I sighed, rubbing my face. Ten minutes, huh?

"Guys.. I, uh, have alot to tell you." I lay back on a grass bank, facing them. They came over and sat beside me. Then I explained - most things.

I told them about Shade, first impressions, our arguments, his personality, who he was to me, why I resisted him, how I shut out my emotions, how I fell in love and finally, what I spent that last night doing. I loved Shade, and he loved me.

"And, I guess, it's all happy ever after from now on." I closed my eyes, but snapped them back open when Jenny stated bluntly, "That's not why you were so closed off, though, was it?"

I shook my head and frowned, as Jenny snatched one of my wrists and rolled down my long, black sleeves. She shook her head at me when she saw the scars and hugged me, "You need to tell me these things, Shadow." She held my hands, and my bottom lip trembled. Why didn't I tell her? Because I wanted to prove myself? No... I had no answer to that question - still don't.

We embraced tightly and I silently cried down her shoulder, staining her shirt. She smiled and patted my back, "It's alright, Shadow. Don't be sad. James and I are here for you, always." I nodded to everything she said, then chuckled slightly when I felt James make a fake gagging noise. "You and Shade are going to have sex?! Then have little Shadow's everywhere?! One Shadow's enough for me. One more than necessary." I narrowed my eyes playfully and he yelped, sprinting away. I ran after him, laughing, along with Jenny who followed hot on my heels.

It was just like old times - but with a little more space.

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