Ch. 7 - Jenny Potter

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"Jenny Potter!"

"I don't believe it!"

"How could you not have seen this Arthur!"

The yells went on and on, giving me a headache. I decided I had Ligyrophobia - fear of loud noises - right then and there. It hurt my ears, making me flinch, so I folded them back and bounded out The Burrow, my mind ringing with a flash-bang ringing noise.

James' siblings were making tiny straw structures out of the wheat and barely from the surrounding crop fields. It truly was a beautiful place. I stopped staring at everything, since I had been looking almost directly into the sun, and stretched my wings. It was the best feeling - like when you wake up and stretch, and your bones crack in the most comforting way.

"Shadow?" James called in his boyish voice, and I sighed in exasperation, padding back inside The Burrow. It was quiet now, almost too quiet, and James and Jenny were sitting down. Although, the dark haired boy was staring at Jenny in disbelief. I growled lowly, sitting down on my haunches and flicking my tail. The broken pottery was still laying on the floor from where Mrs Weasley had dropped it - who was standing nearby with tears in her eyes.

"What." It wasn't really a question. I gritted it out like it was raw and painful.

The twins were looking at Millie, but with a small reddening of their cheeks and both their hands were playing some sort of Rock, Paper, Scissors as if they were deciding something. I narrowed my eyes at them, and grazed the room with my dark look. "Shadow. Stop it." Jenny told me gently, making me huff in irritation. "We're here to explain." She gestured to Mrs Weasley.

I flicked my ears, motioning for them to start explaining - what even were they going to explain?

Mrs Weasley began, "Jenny is... Harry's sister." Oh, that's who the dark haired boy was, "It was a quiet rumour going round at the time, that Lilly and James potter had two children, but it wasn't known enough to get out and spread like the norm. Anyway, when You-Know-Who attacked Godrick's Hollow that night, Harry was taken by Hagrid but Jenny was left-"

I interrupted, "-and so goes on the story and up to today. Yes. That is a curious thing." I muttered, narrowing my eyes to slits as I glared at Jenny. What happened to 'no secrets'? Where was the trust?! I noticed Percy was stealing glances at me, obviously enticed by my species' extinction. Before anybody could speak up again, a bustle of owls flew into the room through an open window. I hissed and crouched low in a hunting position. "Shadow!" Jenny scolded. I huffed angrily and sat back down, ignoring my natural instincts that I had perfected over the last twelve years.

"Errol!" The smallest red haired boy cried as one owl crashed to the table, knocking over drinks and spilling liquid all over the place. I growled, and the owl screeched in fright. I snapped my jaws at it threateningly; even the boy jumped back.

I hadn't even noticed Jenny had got up from her chair and rounded the table to stand behind me. She hit me over the head with her hand; I whimpered and lowered my ears. "Sorry." I mumbled, pawing the floor guiltily. Jenny gave me a short stroke and kissed my head, earning a purr from me. "Good Shadow, now behave." She smiled sweetly, making me flinch and back away slightly.

The owl, Errol, soon recovered and dropped his letters in the boys hands before skittering away clumsily. "Ron, go on, read them." The twins urged the boy curiously.

Ron cleared his throat and read aloud; the writing on the letter was neat and tidy.

Dear Weasley family,

A little birdy told me you had found a young Shadow Claw on Arthur Weasley's trip to Grimmauld Place. If you don't have any problems, I would be much inquired to have Shadow stay at Hogwarts for the remainder of the school holidays.

I expect your reply to come soon, hopefully.

Congratulations to Ginny Weasley for coming to Hogwarts this year, too.

Have a comfortable day,

Professor Albus Dumbledore.

I snorted, "I am not young."

James giggled like the inside child he was, and I purred with satisfaction.

"So?" Jenny urged me, obviously curious as to what my answer would be from the letter. I thought about it logically; I had nowhere else to go, I was most likely going to Hogwarts anyway...

"I'll do it."

James' face fell, "But... but what about us?" He whined, sad that he had to let me go. If he had a nightmare while I was gone, he'd be in for a rough night. I was the only one that could comfort him - though he had Millie, Otto and all the rest of his family... suddenly something clicked in my mind. That was who James looked like! My eyes widened.

"James...?" I muttered, peering up at him. Everybody turned to look at James, curiosity written all over their faces.

"Who's your father?" I asked, having a rather uneasy feeling settle into the pit of my stomach.

'Please don't be him. Please don't be him. Please don't be him.' I chanted in my mind as I waited for James' reply.

He swallowed hard, glancing around nervously. A small sheen of swear had accumulated on his forehead, "Uh... my, uh, my dad? Um.. Sirius Black." He hung his head low.

That traitorous bastard.

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