Ch. 18 - Breaking The Rules and Biased Teachers

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So this is kind of a filler chapter :\ Sorry to be a bore but it's just gotta be done :P

Never had I been so bored in my life - and that is saying something since I was locked in an attic for twelve years! Worst. Friday. Ever.

Herbology. Please! I had an excellent nose and perfect hearing - I did not need to know what a mandrake scream sounded like or what moondew smelled like. Jenny seemed utterly thrilled to be learning that nonsense, while James appeared to be asleep. Typical. Slytherins and Gryffindors were what made up our class.

"And so, that finishes up for Herbology today. Bring your Herb books on Monday or you'll have me to answer to!" Professor Sprout concluded, then we all scattered quickly away from the greenhouse. Jenny sighed almost glumly, "Potions next."

James and I suddenly perked up, staring at Jenny with gleaming eyes. "Potions! Yes!" We did a little dance, leaving Jenny staring at us like we were absolutely crazy. I high-fived James and we ran off towards our last lesson of the day, Jenny giving an exasperated sigh. She obviously hated Potions Class.

James and I were fascinated by potions - and both very good at it. I knew where to find all the ingredients and James knew how to add and prepare them properly. We were an excellent team, though weren't meant to help each other. We passed notes to one another, exchanging tips and advice to either answer hard questions or brew a potent potion. Not only that, but Professor Snape - the head of Slytherin - was rather fond of us despite his reputation.

James and I were the first to reach Potions Class in the cold, dark dungeons - James sometimes complained about this but since I had enough body heat, I was never bothered. We both had another high-five before I shifted and padded inside with James right behind me. Snape was studying something in deep concentration on his desk. What was it? At that moment, he looked up with his beady eyes and mused over something before pocketing a slip of paper and crossing his arms. James stood silently behind his cauldron, curious to find out what we were brewing this lesson.

I slowly made way up to Professor Snape, his eyes watching me intently. "Professor - you said you'd need assistance this lesson." I stated blatantly. He gave a curt nod, "Indeed. I'd like you to weed out the weaklings in my class and... help them get over their pathetic idiocy." He muttered in his usual monotone. I narrowed my eyes and quickly agreed before sitting beside him and observing the students that filed in quietly, all of them standing behind their cauldrons - including Jenny.

"I'll give you all one instruction and I will not repeat myself - today you will be brewing a draught of Alihotsy. A hysteria potion. Do not disappoint - now start." Snape ordered then flicked his hand at me to get to work. I bounded down and slipped past James who gave me a nervous glance. I paused, "What's wrong?" I whispered discreetly to him, flicking my tail. He bit his lip, "I can't remember how to add an Alihotsy leaf." He muttered, looking a little distressed.

I licked his hand to comfort him and he giggled quietly at the sensation, "Tear the stem end and crush the membrane for its sap." I said brusquely before moving on at a glance from Snape. He had caught us in the act of helping each other once before and we had both promised one another that it would never happen again - we were not allowed to talk to each other in lessons as advised from a teacher in another lesson. I circled people now and again, narrowing in on their tactics as I saw all kinds of idiotic methods.

"Crush it."

"That'll explode."


"Told you."

"Too many bubbles."

"Too frothy."

"Not bad."

I rolled my eyes as the end of the lesson neared. The students just did not like being told what to do by a panther with wings. "Shadow?" James called me in a hushed whisper, his eyes gleaming with a sensation I knew all too well. I slipped away from a student trying to pour their slimy concoction into a vile two sizes too small. "Yes?" I answer, giving a large yawn.

"I heard Professor Binns takes an hour nap after every lesson. I say we put a fan in his room and blow him around the school." He grinned. Not a bad idea actually!

I nodded quickly, "Great idea. I'll meet you at his room in ten minutes." I replied as Snape inspected all the brewed potions. He sneered at many though gave James a curt nod with a small congratulations in monotone.

"Shadow?" Professor Snape called me back once everybody had left, even James. I whipped my head around and nodded, padding up to him and sitting down, my wings shuffling from habit. Snape's eyes studied the small action before locking with my purple gaze, "I have a small task for you." He stated, "If you agree, of course."

I tipped my head to the side, "Go on, sir."

"Professor McGonnagall would very much like information on your species, but... so do I. I wish to know many things about the Claw, and given you are in my house - I'd like you to write a small book on Claws - information that Slytherin will have but not Gryffindor. I shall give you less homework from this class until you finish but I would like it to be as detailed as possible so I will give you until then end of your days at Hogwarts. Do you not agree?" One of his eyebrows raised.

I nodded hurriedly, "It would be my pleasure. That is more than enough time." I bowed my head then headed for the door of the hallway, my mind racing excitedly. My own book about Claws! The first in history!

I remembered James with Professor Binns and chuckled before speeding away to History of Magic.


James and I laughed and laughed until we were crying and the tears would not stop. Fred and George Weasley had got to Binns before us and we'd decided to help them fan him around the school. He drifted around rather plainly as he slept as all ghosts sleep. Despite our status as Slytherins, Fred and George still insisted we all be friends. They were very friendly and surprisingly clever.

Professor Binns' face was priceless.

"I must have slept walk. Oh dear." He mumbled in his boring voice, his eyes still wide with shock and his mouth hanging out slightly as he floated back to his classroom.

Fred, George, James and I had cried and cried until our bodies racked with pain. "That was hilarious! We should do that to Snape one day!" George cackled in a mock evil voice. Fred and James grinned, "We'd have to kill him first." All three boys looks at me expectantly and I just shrugged, "Just 'cause I'm a deadly Shadow Claw, don't mean I'd kill my favourite teacher. Now shoo! I have to go tell Jenny." I grinned, and the twins nodded with a laugh before walking off somewhere.

James laughed a short while; he sat on my back as I padded back to the Slytherin dormitory. "We should always do this." He stroked my neck gently; I purred in amusement. Memories of Shade drifted back to my head and I almost tripped over my own paws. I missed him greatly.

James didn't seem to notice my slight sadness and just kicked his heels into my side, "Onwards and up!" He yelled happily, "We must tell mistress Jenny of our marvelous adventures!" He cried in a fake posh accent. I rolled my eyes, though Shade still lingered in my head, and bounded up the moving staircase towards the Slytherin dormitory. Best. Friday. Ever.

Shadow Claw: The Life Story - The First ChapterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin