16. Ursula

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Pitter patter the drops fell, 

On the green grass today, 

Jitter Jitter - the sounds of hell, 

Was that a thunderous day?

"Not the poem. Please not the same poem every time!" I cried, unable to reason with Karl. 

Clutter Clutter, the hoof fell, 

On the day of black,

Mutter Mutter your words tell, 

To never come back.

"Karl Baumer!" My father's words echoed. "Come here!"

"Yes, papa!" Karl dropped his toy doll that he was playing with and ran downstairs. My mother and I were sitting quietly, sewing our dresses for the Midseason Festival. My older sister Greta was playing the harp by the window. She was eighteen and looked very elegant, just like my mother.

I heard Karl making his way upstairs.

"Greta! It is Sir Luis!"

Mother and I jumped excitedly. I rushed to the window. I looked at Greta and decided to tease her.

"You are going to be married to a knight now, you need to learn how to polish his armour! Not pluck harp strings!"

She blushed and bent her head away from me coyly. But continued to play the harp.

"You know it, Greta! He danced with you three times at the ball! We all knew it then and there that he would ask your hand for marriage!"

"Greta dear," my mother put down her sewing needles. "You must say hello if he has indeed come to call."

Greta continued to play but finally broke her silence, "Let him come upstairs. I cannot leave this melody incomplete."

I heard the sound of footsteps coming up. It was Sir Luis. He was dressed in the King's Red and looked incredibly handsome. However, his face did not radiate any excitement. He seemed a bit hesitant. 

I looked over as worry began to mask all faces in the room.

It was I who spoke first. "Good morning, Sir Luis, how have you been?"

Sir Luis ignored me and looked at Greta hesitantly.

"Miss Baumer, I must beg your forgiveness, but I am here on King's duty."

My mother and Greta looked visibly confused.

Sir Luis spoke, still looking at Greta with hesitance, "By the order of King Leopold VI, King of the United Isles in the Archipelago, I hereby request Mrs Baumer to accompany me to the Boitsland prison, where she may face justice for conspiring against His Majesty the King."

 Sir Luis gestured at the door where two guards whom I had not noticed previously, entered. They rushed towards my mother, grabbed hold of her and began to drag her down the stairs. My mother tried to resist but it was all in vain. I could hear my mother screaming downstairs.

"What is the meaning of this? I did not do anything! Hubert! HUBERT HELP!"

Greta shrieked in agony and we rushed downstairs. Karl behind us. In the rush, the skin on my right leg got caught in one of the nails sticking out beneath the bannister, pulling out the flesh swiftly as I hurried. I wailed in pain but somehow managed my way downstairs and outside looking at my mother being dragged upon a carriage. Sir Luis swiftly jumped onto the horse behind it and began to follow the carriage. 

I could feel the heat of the blood oozing out of my leg and onto the ground. Greta and Karl were crying hysterically. 

My father finally showed up behind me serious and unexpressive. 

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