29. Ursula

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I did not have time to frighten myself. Nor did I have the time to validate the inconclusive emotional horror that I was going through. These dragons were dangerous if kept among humans. 

It was common knowledge in all of the Isles to lay low if a Great Arabax was spotted nearby. It was known that many lives were needlessly lost as food to these dragons in the Islands surrounding Kohm. It was rare that they did venture out of Kohm, but when they did, they claimed any life that stood within their path. 

Nobody knew why, but these dragons were only seen once in twelve years. It was a cyclic occurrence that they would fly during Spring from Kohm and roam about the Isles searching for food whenever and wherever possible. 

The last time I had seen them was about Nine years ago. I was Seven years old. My father and I had gone fishing within the Boitsland Mangroves when we spotted one of them. My father had immediately covered me with a blanket before doing the same on himself and asked me to lie still.

"The Blanket has drops of Eucalyptus. The Arabax are not particularly fond of the smell. Chances are that they'll leave us be."

I remember looking at them through one of the holes in my blanking realising how mesmerising they truly were. In was perhaps a child's vanity that I remember wanting one for myself.

Now, as I looked at these hatchlings, I remembered the terror I witnessed in Boitsland that spring as people refused to come out of their houses. When spring turned to Summer, dragon sightings reduced and people resumed their normal lives. I never thought much of it again. 

Until today. There were still three years to go for the Arabax Season. I did not know what to to do.

Suddenly one of the dragons raised its tiny head and coughed a puff of fire.

It takes at least two years for other dragon species to be breathing fire. 

I knew that I had to act quickly before I get blamed for doing the stupidest thing anyone could have possibly done in the Isles.

All I had to do was to take the crate and drown these dragons on the Northeastern beach. 

"I can do it. Lift the crate and drown them. Lift the crate, and drown the dragons. Simple." I kept muttering to myself.

Worst case scenario the dragons fry me before I reach the beach. Best case scenario, I kill not one, but two fucking Arabaxes! Not a statistic I would be exactly proud of. But still a noteworthy achievement nonetheless.

"Ursula, Can I please come in."

I felt a sudden panic in my chest as Egon called to me outside my tent. 

"Divine mother please forgive me," I muttered to myself. I put Vibhava on my pillow and took the folded blanket from my cot and unfurled it over the crate, praying that hatchlings would not spit fire and burn the crate.

"Come in!" I called Egon. 

Egon walked in, looking concerned. 

"Ursula, I know that this has been a bit too much to register..."

"Do not fucking lecture me about this!" I snapped back annoyed and irritated. "I did not ask for you to tell me about the Seekers. Honestly, I do not think I want to have anything to do with this. Now you may go. Thank you. Goodnight."

Egon looked perplexed at my sudden haste. 

"Ursula, I wanted to apologise..."

"For just telling me that everyone I know betrayed me? You do not have to apologise. I am extremely grateful for you to open my eyes to the truth! Now kindly fuck off!" 

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