31. Charlie

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I woke up a little after sunset to find Thomas still there. Indeed, I could never criticise the quality of Madame Mellize's brothel. I slipped into my clothes and gave a peck on Thomas' cheek. He opened his eyes. 

"Leaving already?"

"It was but one amazing morning," I said. "Unfortunately, as much as I find you wonderful, I cannot afford your services anymore. I must leave."

Thomas sat up from his bed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, that is indeed a pity. You were one of my finest clients, I should say."

I blushed. "Whilst I'm fully aware that you tell this to every one of your clients, I should still offer my thanks and gratitude. I bid you adieu. Please give my thanks and regards to Madame Mellize."

Thomas got up from the bed, walked over and kissed me. 

"The extra luck for the journey darling."

And without looking back, he left the room with his pants in his hands.

I quietly slipped out of the brothel, avoiding further contact with any of the prostitutes. I now just had to pass the woods to find Gurukul Valley.

Only an idiot would walk the woods beyond Lake Cross at night. And frankly speaking, I was a desperate idiot. The woods were inhabited by venomous snakes and other bears, but I simply kept walking to the best of my ability. 

Mika should catch my scent anytime soon. 

And sure enough, I heard a deep snort of a dragon. I could see Mika's shadow against the moonlight. I thanked the Divine Mother for bestowing me with the luck that Mika's Red Scales did not glitter against the moonlight. In normal conditions, it would, but dragon scales did not shine brightly during the shedding cycles. I knew I was running out of time before Mika would acquire new skin. I had to find my parents and leave for Piraha as soon as possible.

When I finally made it to the other side of the woods and into the Gurukul Valley, I was met with another shock.

The thatched huts on the valley where Guruji and the students would reside had been burnt down. I rushed through the slope to try and test my luck. I could feel the panic rising again within my chest. 

"Mika, go check the waterfall!"

Mika took an upward flight and flew towards the waterfall. Meanwhile, I began examining the huts. 

Unlike what had happened with my parent's cottage, it seemed as though the huts had been deliberately burnt down. The path of the fire on the hut walls started in the middle and moved upwards. 

And if I needed any further proof, I stumbled onto a torch laying on the ground. 

This Gurukul had stood in this very valley for ages. What could have possibly gone wrong?

I heard the sound of Mika's flapping wingsabive me as my thoughts were interrupted. She landed in front of me. Sitting on her back, I saw a familiar face of a brown Medianian girl dressed in the Medinian Nine Yard Sari. 


Nilapatrani was a senior student of Guru Astadhi and also one of his spies. She was about twenty-four years old. Unlike most of Guruji's spies who were mostly pacifists, Nilapatrani had been trained in warfare like Dhara and I. In fact, she was Guruj's swordmaster and the woman I owed my skills in swordsmanship.

She walked towards me and scowled.

"Where are your manners, Charlie?"

I bowed my head and folded my hands. "Namaha Nilapatrani Di!"

Her frown immediately changed into the playful smile that I remembered. I could see two swords dangling from either end of her hips. 

Before I could say anything further, Nilapatrani spoke. 

"Yes. The Huts were deliberately burned down. The stables and the armoury have also been burned down. The Stone pit behind the waterfall is also empty. Guruji sent all dragons to Piraha with the hope that Empress Lakshmini would care for them."

"But the dragons belonged to Haadijo Sahe. What happened to him?"

"He was killed off in a brawl near Macabara. You know how hostile people can get with Mirski."

I was disappointed to hear that. The dragon supplier Hadijo Saahe had a reputation for being quiet but he had always been kind to me. 

Nilapatrani continued, "It was the logical thing to do. Even Christina and Egon were not there to take care of the dragons. What else could we do?"

"And the burning of the huts?" I asked Nilapatrani shocked. "Why was that done?"

"Do you really want the Achmans or the Nyewekhs to scout for more dragons and torment the students of this Gurukul Charlie? It made no sense, especially with the multiple Dragon Raids happening all over Macabara and the surrounding regions. Our valley had become unsafe. We had to leave."

"Leave where? I asked.

"Right now, Guruji and the others are in the Moon Forests," We should make haste towards the moon forests too. 

"So hang on, Guruji left you here knowing that I would come to meet you?"

Nilapatrani smiled. "He told me that there was a strong probability that I might be needed by someone who came this way."

I nodded, understanding the fact that Guruji had probably foreseen my desertion of the Nywekhs.

I finally summoned the courage to ask the important question. "Nilapatrani, if he left you here, did my - did my parents come looking for me?"

Nilapatrani nodded. "Don't worry Charlie. I sent them with Shwetapushpa."

Shwetapushpa was the lady who managed the stables in the Gurukul. She was a kindly woman but she certainly was no fighter.

"What?" I panicked. "Why have you sent my parents with someone who cannot fight? What if they encounter any danger on their way to the Moon Forests."

"My reason was simple," replied Nilapatrani. Three unarmed travellers cause little suspicion in contrast to armed travellers like ourselves. Swetapushpa is an excellent navigator and you know that. 

I felt relieved understanding that. 

"I know, Nilapatrani. It's just that I worry."

"As you should," she replied. "You're a doting son."

I gave her a reassuring glance. 

"Mika! Are you ready for a trip towards the Moon Forests?"  

Mika gave a soft grunt. 

"Let's go!" I replied rushing and climbing onto Mika's back. Nilapatrani followed my suit. 

Mika immediately took off into the skies as we began gliding northwards. Nilapatrani held on behind my back bravely. We did not talk much as the winds around my ears felt too heavy. 

Suddenly I began to hear a familiar sound to my left. 

"Nilapatrani, are those the Achman Dragons?"

It all happened too quickly before Nilapatrani could answer. A giant ball of fire erupted on my left and began to burn Mika's wings. I heard Mika shriek in horror and felt herself losing consciousness. 

Nilapatrani and I were still strapped to Mika as we began to plummet downwards. 

I looked up to see the moon rolling in circles above me and my eyes closed as I fell unconscious.

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