36. Dhara

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"Two flowers," came my mother's voice, "Hibiscus and Marigold. What would look pretty on my hair?"

"How about both?" I replied in glee. "The most beautiful woman in the world only deserves the most beautiful flowers!"

"Indeed," came my father's voice from across the room. "Only the most beautiful flowers for the most beautiful woman in the world!"

I saw my mother look at me and blush. She picked up a Marigold and fixed it on my braids. 

"The most beautiful flowers for the most beautiful little girl!"

It was my turn to blush.

I snapped back into my thoughts as the smell of smoke began to fill my nostrils. My hands began to brush my short boyish hair as if I were still searching for that Marigold. What a fool was I.

As I witnessed Sammy's Funeral pyre being lit up by Ursula Dragon Drukoff I began to wonder why some of my most precious memories began to taunt me during the very moments of great grief. 

If my mother's thoughts were not enough mockery of my destitute why was the universe trying to forcefully remind me of my father?

Do not think of them. You need to stay calm and clean. Snap Snap!

 Sammy. He had always been a good friend. Not exactly one of my closest friends but one of the good ones. My heart could not ache more. 

And yet in was Ursula whose grief was inconsolable. She knelt helplessly behind her dragon with her head lying low. Egon who stood behind her tried to put his arm on her shoulder and console her. 

"Squawk," said Vibhava who I had removed from my backpack and now rested in my arms.

"Silence, little one," I whispered.

Whilst death was not an uncommon scenery in the Forty Second, the death of a mighty Dragon Warrior like Sammy was a cause enough for everyone within the unit to pay their respects. Egon ordered his dragon Reigngrass to splurt fire into the air. Ursula's tiny little Arabaxes flew around Egon's dragon trying to imitate the same. 

Leslie, Eva and Jules stood on the opposite end of Ursula. 

"Salute!" commanded Leslie.

Amidst the sound of the flame, I heard everyone hitting their temples with their fingers. 

"Lieutenant Sammy Hoffmann. Forty Second Dragons. We bid a great warrior adieu as he begins his rest on the lap of our Divine Mother! May he find eternal comfort!"

I placed my right hand around Vibhava and continued to look into the pyre mindlessly as Sammy's happy-go-lucky visage began to turn into ashes. I would never hear him joke again. 

As the crowd began to dismiss I heard a huge bellow. 


Leslie stood agitated near the pyre and in rage. 

"What's her deal?" came Fredrick's voice from behind me. I had almost forgotten that he was there. 

"Shh.."  I replied waiting for Leslie to speak.

Leslie glared at Eva. And then looked around the crowd. She seemed furious. 

"Major Kuhn. Given your disastrous leadership abilities, I fucking demand to know who was the pig brain behind this mastermind of a plan to come to Wentally!"

I heard Fredrick gulp in fear behind me. I decided to do nothing. Ursula's words were still ringing in my ears.

"Major Abel!" Eva stepped forward. "I think you are a little too overwhelmed by emotions. Please. Take some rest..."

The War of the Islesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें