Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

'Points Leaderboard?'

It was a system that even Seol, an expert of this world, didn't know about.

It was probably something that was newly added.


The people quieted down and all started at the message in front of them.

It included 2 sentences and the Points Leaderboard.

[Your information is set to Private.]

[You have 327,600 Points.]

[Adventurer Points Leaderboard

1. Private (327,600)

2. WhatsThis (150,030)

3. Private (137,120)

4. FireAnt (110,570)

5. YahooIsekai (104,200)]

The ranks were revealed.

But more importantly, judging by how everything he heard was in Korean, it was clear that all of the players around him were Korean.

'Either only Korean people were transferred to The World of Eternity or this was the Korean server...'

When Seol thought of Kodon's words, it was more likely the latter than it was the former.

When Kodon talked about the 'World Merge' it was clear that it meant it was on a much larger scale than just a single country.

"Th... three-thousand points?"

"Even I was only barely able to hit fifty-thousand!"

"It has to be them! They have to be the person behind all of this! How else would that score make sense?"

"I had 3 party members dead... and I was barely able to reach 100 thousand points... so how..."

It was pandemonium.

How terrifying would it have been to start in Pandea, the World of Eternity, on your own?

They cried after confirming that the others here were also players like them.

And at the same time, they were conscious and envious of each other.

No one was safe here.

If there was a rule... an ironclad, unbreakable rule...

It would be that those who were smart and strong had a higher percentage of living.

And it was clear that everyone here was already aware of that rule.

"Who is it? I'm sure you made your information private because you had something to hide, right?"

"Is there anyone here who knows why all of this happened?"

"I bet those people on the leaderboards would know!"

There was a person whose clothing was covered in blood. There was someone who suffered a massive burn. There was even a person with a severed arm.

It was clear that they had all been through hell.

They were all on alert. Because they didn't know who to trust, they couldn't even decide on a direction to face, in fear of betrayal. And just then, another message arrived.

[You begin your Rest.]

[Your Key Location Rest is starting.]

[Break 1. Kongory, the free city.]

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