Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It seemed like the arrows were shot from quite a distance away. Most of the arrows landed on objects, not people.

"Wh-what is going on?!"

"I asked you what's going on, Aden!"

"Sungho! Hey, Jin Sungho!"

Two Predator Guild members were shot by arrows.

Unfortunately for one of them, the arrow pierced through their neck.


The only sound Sungho was able to make was the sound of air weakly escaping his body. It didn't take long for him to close his eyes for the last time.

And like that, he died.

"Uaaaaaargh! He's dead! He died!"

"Aden! What are we supposed to do now?!"

Even though the group had committed murder before, they acted like scared little children in front of impending death.

Seol focused on observing Aden's facial expressions.

Aden was seething in rage.

And suddenly, he shouted. It seemed he had reached a decision.

"There's a canyon nearby! If we lose our pursuers there then return to the Great Silent Forest, they won't be able to find us! Hurry up and steer the wagons!"

"B-But...! It's not that simple—"

"Shut up! Did you forget that I hired you?"

Aden forced his hand on the party. It was almost like he had become a new person.

Seol knew that Aden was making the wrong decision.

When merchants were normally faced with this situation, they often used the wagons as a line of defense to respond to their attackers.

This meant that this was either Aden's first job as a merchant or he was too dumb to act appropriately.

Regardless of whatever it was, the situation was dire.

This time, Aden shouted at Sang-gyu's group, "How long are you going to cry over a fucking corpse?! Get in the wagon!"

"What? Wh-what did you just say–"


Aden slid a dagger next to Jincheol's neck.

He was so quick that Jincheol couldn't react in time.


"Do as I say if you don't want to die. Playtime ends here."

Jincheol's eyes grew wide as he could do nothing more than slowly nod.

Sang-gyu's group left behind Sungho, who was already dead, and helped the other injured party member into the wagon.

Seol also followed them into the wagon.

"Fuck... Fuck... What the hell is going on...?"

"Wasn't this supposed to be an easy Adventure?! Why do we have to be in this situation?!"

Death comes for everyone and fear is just its messenger.

Sang-gyu's group was overcome by fear. The most they could do was just look around for help.

"It hurts... it hurts... it hurts so bad..."


The other member of Sang-gyu's group was lying down in the back of the wagon with an arrow in his chest.

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