Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

As it was something that no one had foreseen, Seol's viewers were all shocked.

- Huh? Seriously?

- I knew that he was going to reach 1,000,000 Points soon but was he really the first one?

- Deduction) Normally you have to join a raid party or do Party Adventures to reach 1,000,000 Points but doing that would take a long, long time.


- OMG... He must be the strongest person!!

- But you also have to consider that most people could get close to 1,000,000 Points after their long-term Adventure ends.

- Snowman has 1.3 mil points though.

- Who knows? Maybe they'll surpass him?

- Why are you so pessimistic?

- I'm just trying to lower my expectations! Having too many expectations would lead to disappointment!

- Ah, okay.

Seol expected that he would surpass 1,000,000 Adventure Points after the Adventure was over.

And in truth, he was hoping for a reward for surpassing 1,000,000 Points like how lovers exchange gifts on their 100th day dating.

'But still, I'm the first person to get it?'

Since Adventure Points was a newly introduced system, Seol didn't know that there was an achievement like this. And as such, he also didn't know about the title's effects.

Seol lowered his expectations as much as he could and checked his new title.

[[Title: Affluent]

Related Achievement: A Step on First Snow (Adventure: N/A)

Bonus Effect: Gain additional skill points for your Adventure rewards.]

It was short but meaningful.

'Oh my god...'

There were quite a few systems in place in Pandea to maintain the balance.

One such system was the level system.

If two people went on an equal number of Adventures, their levels would also be identical.

Seol, through eight Adventures, had reached level 11. And this was also the case for the other players as well.

But if you simply chose shorter Adventures to speedrun through them to gain levels faster, you would ruin the character.

Through leveling up, you would unlock a few important Adventures and increase your stats a bit, but that was all.

Eventually, players realized that going on Adventures with only leveling up in mind was incorrect.

Not only did your stats have to be high, but your equipment played a huge role too. Titles, conquests, achievements, etc. were also important.

But the most important thing, along with stats, were the skills you had and their proficiencies.

With his past knowledge, Seol quickly realized that this title, a title which he received for the first time, would be instrumental in snowballing his strength to greater heights.

'If I get additional skill points with each Adventure, my skills' proficiencies would increase exponentially.'

Since Seol could amass additional skill points in the early game, as long as he continuously built them up, the skill points he accumulated would create a massive gap between him and everyone else.

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