Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

Zando was successfully stabilizing the central axis of the altar.

However, this did not resolve everything.

"Damn it. How could you not find even a single rat?"

"I-I apologize! I will notify you the moment I hear anything!"

Zando, the high priest, continued to work, despite complaining.



The fire-shaped tattoo on his face lit up like a flame.


Smoke surged out of him as he cast his spell.

"Hrmm... Hrmm..."

Rumble Rumble Rumble...


Zando planned to search the entire altar and locate the rat himself the moment he fully set the central axis.

"Magra, I apologize for letting you down. It seems like my subordinates have yet to find the rat."

"It's fine. The commanders should be blamed for not being here."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"With a situation like this, I should just investigate it myself. Weirdly, I haven't heard anything from Zoze and Kango yet... It's very strange."

Zando turned his head.

"Have you not realized it yet, Magra? It's obvious what they're aiming for. What else would it be but me?"

"Are you implying that they are using the chaos to aim for your life?"

"Of course. If they knew about the central axis's existence, it would have been easy to also assume that I needed to use my powers to prevent it from falling. And our foes planned on killing me while I was defenseless!"

"...It definitely is logical. But what about the armory, the military warehouse, or the shaman warehouse? Wouldn't they be in danger too?"

Zando nodded.

"I agree, but it's a necessary sacrifice. If our enemies attack that, then it means I'm just as much safer. Since it's come to this, we should also delay mobilizing the soldiers a little bit."

"...I see."

"This is a bit embarrassing to say as the chief of the Sulfur Skull Tribe, but... I request that you protect me until I can completely stabilize the central axis."

"That is not a hard request at all. Who would even attempt to kill you when I'm here?"

"Thank you! It won't take too long for me to put it back into place.

The postponement of mobilizing soldiers.

The acceptance of a moderate amount of sacrifice.

The moment their actions solidified, the situation became much simpler. All they had to do was turtle up, and protect Zando.

It wasn't as if they had to mobilize the soldiers right away, and it wasn't time for the Old God Festival either.

'Hold on... the Old God Festival?'

Magra's quick wits realized the opening created by the plan.

"Is there anyone at the Sacred Fire?"

"Some soldiers were dispatched there. The priests there are also coming here before it gets too dangerous."

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