Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


The statue's heavy sound filled up the air.

After that sound, a bright light radiated from the statue of Yzmokan.

'Another reward?'

The reward for killing Borgo should have already been settled with the additional reward that Yzmokan gave earlier.

But Yzmokan must've thought that those rewards weren't enough. She was trying to give another reward.

[Ruin Predator activates. You have received additional rewards.]

'Ah! So it was Ziliac's Ruin Predator activating.'

This skill increased your rewards by 30% whenever you cleared a secret ruin. Ziliac's skill was already coming into effect even though it hadn't been long since Seol inherited it.

[You have a will of iron and a heart that is both cold and fiery.]



Cracks suddenly appeared on the statue.

The cracks grew and started to connect with each other like a spider's web. And not too long after that, the statue broke.


[Do not stay, go and scatter light. You shall bring light to the world.]


A shimmering white light grew from the broken statue.

The light moved like a serpent and entered into Jamad's hand.


['Divine Relic: Mountain Fists' has changed slightly.]

['Divine Relic: Mountain Fists' has accumulated divine power.]

[Jamad has earned the achievement 'Protect the Hall'.]

[Jamad has earned the title 'Great Warrior of Yzmokan'.]

Jamad furrowed his brows.

He was upset because Yzmokan's light was entering the Mountain Fists that Tancreed gifted his tribe.

Seol would've been happy with any and every reward but Jamad was different.

He was undoubtedly someone who served Tancreed, the Earth Dragon, as the chief of the Rock Molar Tribe.

It was somewhat expected that he didn't like the idea of some nameless native god blessing him.


But it seemed he wasn't too repulsed by it as he didn't really say anything.

It was because this power didn't come with responsibilities.

'Then... I'll need to check the rewards.'

Once again, it was time to check the rewards.

Seol first pushed aside the smaller-looking rewards and picked out a big one.

[[Ghost's Armor(Purified)]

Quality: Abomination

Recommended Level: 5-15

Defense: 112

Durability: 95/95

Weight: 10kg

An armor filled with malicious energy. It has an evil effect of destroying your mind by just equipping it. However, now that it has been purified, there is no issue with equipping it. It has lost a lot of its power during the purification process but it is still an excellent piece of armor.

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