Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

[The accumulated fatigue makes your body feel heavy.]

[A problem may occur if you don't get sleep.]

[It has been 5 days and 16 hours.]

Karen, who was by Seol's side, looked at him with a strange glint in her eyes.

"Your beard grew a lot."


"I mean it makes sense since it wasn't an easy journey. Still, this was why I said we should rest at some towns on the way."

"We didn't because there weren't any suitable towns on the way to the canyon. If we wanted to do it, we'd have to go around."

"Is that why you're so lethargic?"

"By the way, how much time passed?"

Karen had a confused look on her face as Seol asked an obvious question. She side-eyed him as she slowly gave a response.

"A bit over five days? Why?"

"Nothing. It was tiring, huh?"

"It was fun. Except for the time I fell into the swamp."


Seol was trying to confirm something using Karen's responses.

He was trying to confirm how his summons experienced the passage of time.

'If I act under the assumption that summons are originally residents of this world... then they would likely experience it completely.'

For example, using this Long Distance Adventure as an example...

Even though five days and 16 hours passed, it didn't even feel like an hour to Seol. As such, Seol had an incomplete experience of the past five days.

And in comparison, Karen fully experienced the five days directly. She experienced the swamp, the cries of animals at night, and the dead animal's corpse, everything had fully happened for her.

'It's surprising...'

Since it was a fantasy world, space and time likely bent to the gods' will.

Even if Seol and Karen were affected by severe distortion, Seol could do nothing other than accept it and move on.

'Still, it's fortunate that my summons are in control even through the Long Distance Adventure.'

Since Seol couldn't control his body through the Long Distance Adventure, he couldn't predict what situations he'd face. But since his summons were still active, he was doubtful that he would end up in that big of a predicament.

'Cooking and Insight helped too.'

Tanning, Butchery, Herbalism, and Survivalism were all helpful talents and there were many more that existed other than Cooking, but none of them came close to Cooking's potential.

"First, let's set up camp."

"You're not going to search right away? Ah, is it because it's already night?"

"Yeah, and I'm tired from the journey."

"Alright, then I'll look for a place to avoid the wind."

Fwoooosh... Fwooosh...

Their clothes fluttered like a flag on a flagpole.

The cool canyon greeted them with a majestic view and sharp, fierce winds.

Furthermore, messages appeared when Seol arrived at the canyon, notifying him that his Adventure had started.

[You begin your next Adventure.]

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