Sides and Secrets

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The figure watched as the boy in pink rode off, hopefully going back to Prince Arslan's army.

As the boy rode on his horse, the figure was careful when following him. After all, she wouldn't want to fight him, unless she truly had too.

It'd been an hour or so later, when the boy stopped for a drink of water. He took off his pink scarf for the moment, folding it neatly before placing it in a bag, carried by his horse.

Should the figure introduce themselves? It was a risky move to take. Perhaps they should wait for a better time.

Thinking the boy would take much longer, the figure sat down on top of a tree branch, their eyelids dropping. A minute of sleep would do then good...


A rock hit them on the head. "Ack! What the-"

"Who are you?" The boy in pink asked. "You've been following me for the last hour."

The figure got up, embarrassed by being caught. How could this have happened?

"Reveal yourself. Or I will have no choice but to fight you."

Craaaaap. So it has come to this.

The figure took off their hood. "It is...unfortunate that we had to meet like this."

The boy was surprised to see a girl around his age. She had brown hair and cuts all around her face. Her face tried to seem friendly, but her eyes...they were determined. It kept him on his guard.

"Tell me who you are."

"Sorry, but I only answer to one master. Plus, I saw you fighting off a friend of mine. That was a cheap trick you played on him, pushing him into the slaves like that."

The boy thought back to his fight with Etoile. "Your friend? You're a Lusitanian!"

The girl made a face. "Nonono, that's not what I-"

But it was too late. The boy already charged at her, using the same tricks he used on Etoile. Strangely, she could block his every attack, but if he decided to use his bow, it might not end well for her.

"Listen to me, damn it!"

"I don't understand Lusitanian scum!" He said, trying to swipe her feet.

The girl stumbled a little bit, still tired from following him earlier. "I'm not a Lusitanian!"

"It doesn't matter! Any friend of a Lusitanian is an enemy of mine!" He yelled.

He reached for an arrow and skillfully shot an arrow at her. But, to some miracle...the arrow shifted the other way.

"No...witch." He insulted.

The girl scowled. "Usually, I accept what I am, but something about the way you say it pisses me off."

The boy sent arrow after arrow her way, and again and again she tried to block it.

But she was growing weary. It slipped her mind for only a moment...and found an arrow lodged into her shoulder. She let out a yelp of pain, not wanting to let her opponent know the damaged he'd caused.

She fell backwards, leaning on a tree. Just as quickly as she fell down, she tried using the tree to pull herself up again. But the boy kicked her feet from under her and this time, she stayed down.

"Please. Listen. I'm not...I'm.."

"Don't speak. I don't enjoy talking to savages who murder innocents. Yet, I don't enjoy killing people my age either." He admitted.

"But know, next time I see you, I will defeat you. Permanently."


The boy left soon enough, and the figure watched as he went. "This sucks. Why didn't I just answer him?"

His horse soon sped off into the distance. And the girl couldn't help but feel ashamed, which was expected.

"My name..."

And then she fell asleep.

So uh...I know this chapter sucks 😭
But I have a much better one on the way- sorry for taking so long but I literally live u guys so so much! Thank you for reading 💕

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