Laws of Loyalty

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"I can't believe you're still alive." Etoile said. "I'll admit, I didn't think you'd last very long in a war."

Arslan laughed awkwardly. "Well, I managed somehow."

"You don't even know your way around in a fight and you still tried to help that man." Etoile snorted. "I can tell you're just as naive as ever."

He continued. "And you! You're traveling with him? Don't tell me your his slave or something now." Etoile turned to Zofia, who shook her head.

It relieved Etoile to see that at least one person he was looking for had been found. But he was still looking guilty.

"I must apologize for my men."

Arslan raised a brow. "Those men were under your command?"

"You didn't hear them call him commander?" Zofia nudged Arslan playfully with her elbow.

Etoile nodded. "Yes! I'm in charge of a small company now. Things are a lot different from the last time we meet."

A smug grin appeared on his face. "You won't be making any of us into slaves."

Arslan's face become sad. "I wouldn't anyway. Not ever."

Zofia looked at him with a confused face. What did he mean by that? Parsians have always turned their prisoners of war into slaves. And if they didn't obey...well, that's what happened to Etoile's comrades.

"You might not but I'm sure Andragoras and Arslan would do it! Those bastards are the ones who lead the heathens right? I heard they even look evil, with twisted horns and monstrous mouths and long black tails!"

Arslan sweat-dropped and Zofia couldn't believe how stupid Etoile was.

It's been 3 fricking years and he still hasn't realised who Arslan is?? Is he dumb? How is he in charge of anyone, let alone a small company?!

Etoile looked out the window, crossing his arms. The sun was starting to set.

"The ignorant Parsians are going to have to repent." He said. "You heathens must convert to the faith of Yaldabaoth."

"If I were unable to find it within myself to believe in your god, what would you do?" Arslan asked.

Etoile turned to face him, with pure confusion. "What? Such a thing would be impossible. Once you are touched by the faith you cannot help but revel in its glory."

"If you sincerely believe that all men are equal, why did you invade Ectbatana?"

Now Etoile was becoming irritated. "Sorry?"

"You criticize Pars for the institution of slavery, but what then your your people conduct toward the people of the royal capital?"

It was a bad memory. Zofia wished to forget about it. The slaves rebelling and being killed for it. Kharlan's betrayal. That masked Silverman who tried to kill her. The heads of the Marzban, her mentors and friends, hung by the gate. And of Lord Shapur, who was tortured and humiliated in front of his men.

"Your ignorance is so obvious it's almost painful." Etoile spat. "Parsians are heathens so they get to be treated differently."

A small part of her hated Etoile for his loyalty to his Kingdom. But, in the same way, she was loyal to Arslan. Pars is not the Saint country its people want to believe it is. Arslan knew that too. It's why he thrived to become a better king.

But it was bugging her. Why had Arslan looked so upset in that moment? They had both avoided the topic of slaves for a while, but she assumed Arslan didn't like slaves. He didn't have any. Plus, he'd never truly forgotten what happened to Etoile's friends either.

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