The Treacherous Hero

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Arslan's company had been keeping a close eye on Kharlan's mini army. They were preparing to ambush Lord Kharlan and get information out of him.

Seeing his face after battle made Arslan bite his tongue. He still couldn't wrap his head around it. Kharlan really had betrayed him.

And what about his only friend back in Ectbatana? Surely Zofia knew about Kharlan by now. Perhaps she had run away, in search of a better life away from Pars.

Arslan didn't want to believe that, but she was forced into Pars' royal family, and he wouldn't blame her for leaving it. He would miss her, though.

"Sure enough, they're coming." The prince's friend, Elam said.

"Which implies he was totally taken in by Narsus' scheme."

After battle, Arslan and his knight, Daryun had taken refuge in Daryun's friend's house. That friend was Narsus, who agreed to help the Prince.

Elam was the servant of Narsus. Earlier that day, he'd dressed in pink robes, pretending to be a girl and invade the castle walls from the inside...

"Oh yes." Elam smirked. "He believes his own predictions are correct and will match this way without suspecting if anything afoot, despite the danger this puts his army in."

There must've been at least a thousand men in Kharlan's army. A thousand of his once loyal soldiers now here to kill him.

Then a thought struck him. What if Zofia was in that army? She's always thought of Kharlan as a father, so it is...

Arslan shook his head. He knows Zofia would never do that to him. He was just nervous for the battle.

"And I will face him at last. I just hope I don't meet anyone dear to me on the battlefield." Arslan confided.

Theoretically, if Zofia was on the other side, he didn't know if he could bring himself to harm her. Kharlan was only being kept alive because they needed information.

"Are you nervous at all?"

"I would be lying if I told you I was not, but...this is something I must do."

Elam looked at the Prince. He could sense he was on edge.

"Perhaps you would feel easier if you carried more than one weapon."

Elam took off his quiver and handed it to the prince, with all the arrows inside. "While this bow is not the work of a master's, it has served me well. Please, use it."

"While I thank you for the kind offer, I do not wish to leave you without a weapon." Arslan refused.

"Don't concern yourself, I'll be fine." He insisted, dismissing the Prince's words. "Take the bow, it will keep you safe in my stead."

The prince took it gratefully, but in his heart he was still uneased, and now worried for Elam's safety.

They were almost ready to part ways, getting into position for this plan to work. "Good luck, highness." Elam said.

Arslan nodded. "Thank you Elam, I may need it.


Kharlan's army was being lead out of the narrow cannon, when all of a sudden they heard a booming voice from above.

The soldiers looked up, confused and bewildered.

Not many of them could make out who it was in the dark, but one soldier recognized his prince immediately.

"There he is! On the cliff! It's the Prince of Pars, Prince Arslan!"

This had caught Kharlan's attention.

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