After Battle

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"So a party of four becomes 7. And while I'm glad for the considerable increase in our fighting strength, are you certain that we can trust these two? The bard in particular?" Daryun said.

"His skills make it worth the risk." Narsus smiled. "Assuming the enemy army has 300,000 men, this means we only face around 43,000 a piece. I find those figures far more favorable."

Daryun put a hand to his chin and thought about it. "Mhm. Let's see...yes, 43,000 should be manageable."

Narsus laughed awkwardly. For a fighter like Daryun, it might actually be.

Narsus changed the subject, eager to talk about the mysterious girl close to Arslan, calling him by his first name and without title. And why Elam was so intent on fighting her.

"So, what about this girl, Zofia? She was dead five minutes go. The bard told us so, and she agreed that it was sort of true."

"How in the world do you become sort of dead?"

"No clue, old friend."


Arslan's company left the battlefield on horses, but Zofia, without a horse, chose to walk instead of sharing with someone else.

Arslan ranted on and on about what had happened since she had left. How his maiden battle went, the rumours of the King's retreat, and Kharlan's betrayal.

"So, how did you escape Ectbatana? Gieve said that you were escorting my Lady, Mother, yet you had died? Was he mistaken?"

"No, no. Well, officially, I'm dead. When Kharlan's men stormed the capital, they entered through the underground passageways."

Zofia continued. "Coincidentally, Gieve and I were escorted an imposter Queen out off the palace through there as well. A fight broke loose between this man in a Silver mask and the imposter, so I..."

"You saved her and sacrificed yourself." Arslan finished her sentence. Zofia nodded in response.

"Silver-mask wrapped his hands on my throat and strangled me underwater. Kharlan tried to save me but, it was 'too late'."

"But you survived. How did you manage to pull that off?"

"Well," Zofia thought. "It was easy, really. I created an air bubble in the water using my...uhm."

Magic, she mouthed. After Elam had called her a witch in front of everyone, Zofia couldn't tell if the group was okay with magic or not.

Arslan nodded, understanding what she was saying.

"So, holding my breath underwater, I held it again when I reached the surface, making it seem like I had stopped breathing."

"Very clever." Gieve interrupted. Zofia and Arslan turned around to see the whole group staring at them, listening into her story.

"I had a feeling you weren't really gone. Your corpse had moved."

"Ah." Zofia said. "Alas, that wasn't me. Kharlan had moved me after I faked being dead. I think he was trying to give me a proper burial..."

Thought she knew it was wrong, Zofia still missed that man. He was like a father to her, after all. But the reason behind his betrayal was the biggest mystery of them all...

"Well, I'm glad to see you're alive." Gieve smiled. Zofia couldn't tell if he really meant it, but she smiled back nonetheless.

Sorry the chapter is so short! I'm on holidays right now and there's zero wifi here so I had to publish smth quickly. Merry Christmas and happy New Years everyone!!
Thank you so so much for reading. I hope you all have a beautiful year ❤️

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