A Diffficult Departure

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Arslan stared at the window, watching as a slave suffered to carry a large bag of rice over his shoulder. When I become King, he thought, it will not be like this. Not anymore.

A knock came from his door, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was quite late already, so he didn't know who it could be.

He opened the door and Lord Hodir revealed himself, along with two of his guards. He bowed before Prince Arslan.

"Your highness, we have something to discuss."


Zofia and Farangis sat in the living area, with Farangis sharpening her dagger and making more arrows while Zofia boredly lounged.

Maybe I should be making arrows too but I never really listened when Kharlan was teaching me.

She could always learn from Farangis she supposed. "Farangis?"


"Would you mind teaching me how to make the arrows?"

"Of course not. Come here." She patted the seat next to her.

Zofia moved seats and sat beside Farangis while she taught her how to make arrows. It was fairly simple, and Farangis was a good teacher. When things were quiet, Zofia asked something that'd been on her mind.

"Farangis? Did you say you talk to the wind?"

"You mean the Djinn? They're not so much the wind, but rather the spirits carried by it; why do you ask?"

"I've been hearing things..." she said softly. "I thought it had something to do with me, but when I heard you could talk to this Djinn...what is it again?"

"Spirits. And I've never heard of someone speaking with the Djinn without proper training." She admitted.

Zofia hummed in response. "Do you think it's got something to do with...my magic?"

It was a question she dreaded to bring up. A topic she wanted to keep hidden. She had magic. So what? But not everyone had the same opinion.

"Perhaps." Farangis replied without further comments.

"You're not bothered by my magic?"

"As long as you are on the Prince's side, it does not bother me. It's quite fascinating, in fact."

Zofia smiled at her.

The sudden thumping on their roof broke the moment. Thump thump thump. Was someone on the roof?

"Farangis, what was th-"

"The Djinn appear agitated tonight." She said calmly, walking towards the window to hear the spirits better.

Farangis opened the window and look to her left. When Zofia followed, she saw Gieve with a smug look on his face. She was confused.

"How did you get up th-"

Farangis kicked him off the window ledge and he nearly plunged to his death. Her foot was stuck to his face.

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