Info: What This Story Is About

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This story will be about the feeling of family and wanting a family. Everyone wants that feeling of having a family but sadly not everyone has that or knows what that might feel like. Everyone has a family because you were born into a family but you might not love each other like how a family should love each other. Of course every family is different but not every family acts like a family. Jonah and Faith was dropped on the steps in front of a orphanage they don't know who their real parents are, Sadly there was no note or card with them.

Noah was the first one to find the twins when he so happens to have opened up the front door to see them there. It was the middle of the night or really early in the morning. Noah took the twins in and told the orphanage lady about them. Since he was the one who found them she decided to put him in charge of taking care of them for whatever reason? At the time Noah was thirteen thankfully he was use to taking care of some of the younger kids in there.

Noah was like a brother\father to the twins. He was their family and the only one in the place who seemed to care enough about them. The orphanage lady was nice to them sometimes but she was to busy with the other kids to try and take care of the twins that's probably the reason she put Noah in charge of taking care of them.

Noah was there brother, father figure, and teacher the time came when Noah turned eighteen which means he had to leave the orphanage and sadly the twins. The twins were devastated when Noah had to leave to them he was the only nice one in the building. For some reason the other kids didn't want to play with them leaving the two of them out of things most of the times. Even the people who work there were keeping their distance from them even though taking care of kids is their job.

When Noah found the two and ended up taking care of them he notice they didn't have anything that told him their names so he took it upon himself to name them and the two names that immediately popped into his head were Jonah and Faith. The twins were five when Noah packed the few things he had and left that day they lost the only family they knew.

Noah once told them that family isn't always someone you're related to it could be anyone like your friend, adopted family, your birth family, step family, someone you feel comfortable and are connected with in some way. As the two got older it became harder for them nobody seemed interested in adopted them also they didn't want to be separated. Jonah stay neutral about everything and didn't get mad about anything he always had a peaceful mind. Faith never let it get to her Noah taught her that this could happen and to stay positive.

Jonah and Faith are now twelve years old will they get adopted? Will they find a nice family who's willing to take good care of them?, And will they one day meet Noah again the first person who cared for them?

Jonah and Faith are two twelve year old's who just want a family a place to call home. A caring loving family, Year twenty-twelve might just be the year where they get what they wanted and prayed for or will they still have to wait?






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