15: Two Sides to The Story

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Veronica is sitting on her bed in her new bedroom that she shares with Ashley. Tears stream down the girl's face. She pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her back on the wall. "Why did I do that? What's wrong with me?" She asked herself.

This happens a lot after she has her anger moments and episodes if that's okay to call it. She find a place to cry it out and sit in her own thoughts. 

Veronica doesn't mean to be mean, she didn't mean to bully the twins or give attitude to the first family that ever showed interest in wanting her.  After that she's afraid that they will return her to the orphanage where she felt like she never belonged in.

Veronica always asked herself why did her parents leave her there? What did she do for them to get rid of her? She doesn't think she better than anybody and she does feel sorry for kids who are put in a orphanage or foster home.

She has heard stories about kids who are put in the same place she was put in and she used to complain but now all she can feel is grateful and blessed that her experience there weren't that bad.


The girl looked up to see her adopted mom standing at the door looking at her with pity. She quickly wiped the tears away. That was one thing the red head did not want and that is people pitying her. Sharon sighed and walked in the room and sat on the bed. "What's wrong?"

Veronica shook her head. "Don't worry about it." She sniffed.

"Well, to late I'm already worried, from the time you left the kitchen to coming up here to check on you." Sharon smiled and patted the girl's leg. "Come on, you're my daughter and I care."

"For now." Veronica whispered under her breath, but the woman heard. "Veronica I will always be your mom from now and forever."

"I thought the same thing about my real mom, but things didn't turn out like that." The girl snapped. Sharon jumped back a little surprised at that the girl she saw interest in snapped at her. "Uh, I don't know who your real mom is but whoever she is made a mistake."

"W-what do you mean?" Veronica asked not understanding what Sharon meant. "I mean she should have never let you go." Sharon grinned.

Veronica let a grin of her own appear and then it went as quickly as it came. "But Robert doesn't like me."

"Give him time."

"How much? He fell in love with Ashley and Damon the first time he laid eyes on them. When he first laid eyes on me... it was a different story."

"I don't know sweetie, I'm sorry. You'll just have to prove yourself to him. Learn to control that anger of yours and maybe keep your attitude in check." Sharon says with a raised eyebrow.

Veronica was about to roll her eyes until she stopped herself. "Ok, I'll learn to be a good daughter and better person." She nodded.

"That's my girl. He might have fell in love with those two at first sight, but I fell in love with you during our first conversation." Sharon tells her causing them both to laugh.

Veronica felt way better now after talking with Sharon but then the twins came to mind. 

"Are the twins still down there?" She quietly asked.

Sharon shook her head. "I don't think so before I came up here, they asked if they could take Ashley and Damon over to meet their family."

Veronica nodded. "How about Robert?"

"No, he told he needed to get some fresh air so he's probably taking a drive around town or something."


Sharon looked at her adopted daughter with sad eye. "Wanna hug?"

"Yes please." Her voice cracked and she flew into Sharon's arms and the woman welcomed her with open arms.











Thoughts :)

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