8: Samuel and The Mall

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The light from the sun made it's way through the curtains into Faith's bedroom. Faith slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room. It first felt like she was still dreaming seeing the white light in the room until she turned to the alarm clock to see it was five in the morning.

She sat up from the bed and stretched then got ready for the day. Faith walks back in the room with a pink shirt with a animated picture of a cute bunny on it and long grey pants. 

She sat down on the bed and brushed her long curly hair. There's no other sign of anyone else being up yet so she guesses that she's the first one. Faith expected Jonah to be up and ready but everything probably exhausted him out yesterday.

The house is pretty big there are four bedrooms on the top floor of the house along with one bathroom in the hall and one in the parents room. The downstairs has a bathroom along with a living room, kitchen, and dining room. There is a family room down in the basement area with two bathrooms and guest bedrooms and living room.

Putting the brush down she tied her hair back in a pony tail. Faith wondered if she should go downstairs or stay in her room? As she was pondering this there was a knock. She got up and opened the door to see it was Jonah standing there smiling at her.

She looked at his outfit confused "I've never seen you wear that before?" She said tilting her head to the side. Jonah looked down at his red plaid shirt with long white sleeve attached. "Last night, Matthew gave it to me saying he's out grown it." 

Faith nodded and smiled "Looks good." She told her twin brother.

"Thanks sis." He laughed.

"I'm serious." She said not understanding what was so funny about her saying it looks good, the clothes they had are either hand me downs from the older kids or clothes that were donated to the orphanage. Actually the shirt Matthew gave Jonah looks kind of new like he didn't wear it much.

"I know." He grinned. "It smells like someone is cooking breakfast downstairs." He said pointing where the stairs is.

"I am hungry." Faith heard her stomach growl and apparently so did Jonah because laughed pulling her toward the steps. They made there way down the stairs and walked in the kitchen to see Hilary cooking pancakes and eggs on the stove.

"Oh! It's good to see you two up early I didn't have to wake you." Hilary said while flipping a pancake.

"We're early risers." Faith said.

"Most of the time." Jonah finished what his sister was going to say. 

Hilary laughed "Well that's good to know the others love sleeping in when they don't have to do anything." She slide the pancakes on the two plates and set them on the island in front of Jonah and Faith. "But you two do have a long day ahead of you." She walked back to the stove to finish cooking the scrambled eggs.

"You two like eggs?" 

"Yes" They both said.

Jonah picked up the syrup pouring some on his pancake and passed it to Faith she did the same. They took a bite and their eyes widened "This is delicious/Yum!" They said.

The blonde lady laughed at the two expression "I'm guessing you like it?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Love it." Faith said before taking another bite.

Matthew walked into the kitchen with messy hair "M-morning." He yawned. 

"Morning Honey." 

He sat next to Faith on the island and his mother sat a plate of pancakes and eggs in front of him. Tiffany later came down and ate breakfast after she finished she went back to her bedroom to do whatever. Matthew also returned to his room to study for when school starts again. Hilary told him to take a break since he doesn't have school but in his words he said: It's always good to be prepared.

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