9: Confession

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It's Christmas and Hilary decided to bake a cake since family and friends are coming over. Thomas is currently at work but will be getting off early so he can be with his family and be there for Jonah and Faith since it's their first Christmas there as a family.

He doesn't want to miss any precious time with them, And that went for all his kids that were under the age of thirteen. But it doesn't stop there because he tries to make to each of his kids events if he's able to while they're kids and teenagers.

If he can't make it he'll always make up for it. Matthew and Tiffany are setting the table and Samuel is in the living room picking out what Christmas movie they should all watch together. Faith is in her bedroom preparing herself to meet the rest of the Walking's family and friends while Jonah in his bedroom reading his bible waiting for everyone to show up.

If you didn't already know between the twins Faith is the shy one, yes, she can be friendly and very kind but her shyness sometimes creeps in from time to time. When this happens she tries to calm herself down and prays to God hoping that he'll help her to overcome her shyness.

And he has helped her, she used to be way more shy and scared when she was younger. Jonah has always been the more braver and observant one. He's also quiet but speaks when he wants to or when he needs to, especially when somethings wrong.


Noah is moving around the house frantically it was making Becky nervous and anxious. She could tell something was wrong with her husband. She couldn't stay quiet anymore enough is enough "Noah?" 

Noah stopped and turned all his attention to wife who's staring up at him.


"What's wrong you've been like ever since we left my parents house two days ago. Is something wrong? Did something happen that I don't know about?" She asked worriedly.

He softened his eyes and let out a sigh. He motioned his wife to sit on the couch in their living room. She did and he went to sit next to her holding her hands gently. 

"You remembered I told you I used to live in a orphanage?" He asked her.

She slowly nodded and he continued "Remember I told you I also used to take care of these two kids?"

"Uh Yes." She remembered before they got together he told her while in college. She also wondered where he was going with this? Why is he retelling her this? 

It was quiet for a while Noah looked down at their hands like he was remembering  something. Becky furrowed her eyebrows "What could he be thinking about right now?"

"N-" She began but he cut her off quickly.

"It's them." He said still looking down.

She looked at him confused "What?" 

Noah slowly glanced up looking her in the eyes.

"Jonah and Faith... they are the two kids I used to take care of."

Becky's eyes widened "What? Are you sure?" She frowned.

"Yes Becky I'm one hundred percent."

"How you know? It's been what? Seven years?" 

He shook his head "I knew when I first laid eyes on them. They look the same just older... obviously." He lightly chuckled at the little joke he did at the end.

Becky gave him a look "Your seriously joking right now?"

He stood up and put his hand in his pocket and takes something out handing it to Becky. She looked up at him and takes the thing he hands to her.

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