13: Next Door

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Samuel left his bedroom and heard muffling coming from Faith's bedroom, so he got closer to the door. He saw that the door was on a crack and opened it a little peeking in. His eyes widened and he put a hand over mouth to stop himself from laughing.

The scene before was of Faith singing and dancing in front of mirror. She wasn't a bad dancer or even singer and even if she was Samuel wouldn't because of that. He's just surprised that she can dance and sing, he thought she was this quiet, shy girl.

As Samuel stood there staring into his sister's room Jonah decided to exit his room. When he saw Samuel, he froze and furrowed his eyebrows together.


Samuel jumped and wiped his head around to see his little brother giving him a weird look. "Jonah! You scared me." He sighed.

"I scared you? Why are you being a creep outside our sister bedroom?" Jonah asked crossing his arms. Samuel's face turned red, and it was obvious he was embarrassed to be caught by his adopted younger brother who hasn't been here that long.

"I heard something coming from her room and got curious."

Jonah stared at him for a while but then slowly nod his head accepted the older boy's answer. The two both turned their head to see Matthew walking out of his bedroom looking down at his phone. Matthew felt eyes on him and looked away from his phone to see Samuel and staring at him. He gave them a quick nod and made his way downstairs.

The youngest boy turned his attention back to Samuel "So... is this normal or?"

"Is what normal?" Samuel tried to play dumb. 

Jonah gave him a blank stare before asking "You watching people behind their backs."

Samuel shook his head "No, like I said I was curious and her doors on a crack."

Jonah nodded in relief "Good."

Samuel grinned "What? Were you scared that one of your big brothers were a-"

"Creep? Yes." Jonah said and walked away the same way that Matthew went, leaving a laughing Samuel behind. Faith stopped singing and dancing when she heard laughing coming from outside her bedroom.

She opened her door and Samuel outside it laughing.

"What's so funny?" She sweetly smiled.

Samuel calmed down and looked at Faith "Jonah and I were having conversation a second ago."

"Did he say a joke?" She frowned, Jonah's not really the joking kind of guy but he can be funny sometimes. Samuel shook his head and said no. "Sorry for bothering you." He was about to walk away but stopped and looked at her again "By the way you're not as quiet as you might think." Then went downstairs following the other two leaving a shocked Faith.

"Was I really that loud?" She wondered, feeling embarrassed that someone heard her singing voice. She closed the bedroom door and walked over to sit on her bed. Faith took a few deep breaths and smiled when the feeling of peace replaced the embarrassment.

"Thank you." She spoke.


Matthew was sitting with his legs crisscrossed on the grass in the front yard writing something down in his notebook. A car pulled up in front of the house next door the car door flew opened and someone got out of the back seat. 

The girl smiled and looked at the house in front of them with wide eyes. The person who was driving also got out along with someone who was sitting in the passenger seat. They both stood in beside the girl.

"I'm not dreaming right?" She asked looking up at the man with hopeful eyes. The man laughed and shook his head. Her smile widened and then a ouch left her lips and they looked at the boy who stood next to her who was smiling.

He shrugged "What? I gave you proof this certainly not a dream." He stayed smiling while looking at her annoyed face. The two started arguing and the man just laughed at them but then stopped when he realized one of his kids missing.

Robert turned away from the arguing children and opened the back seat of the car. He peaked his head in to see a grumpy looking girl still sitting with arms crossed. "Veronica?" She whipped her head to him.

"Are going to continue to sit in here with a sour face or get out? Come on!" He motioned for her get out of the car and she hesitated at first but did what she was told. The other two stopped their bickering and looked at Veronica.

Ashley whispered to Damon "I thought she wanted to get adopted?" But fiery red head girl heard and sent a glare in Ashley's way. Ashley eyes widened and looked everywhere else trying avoid the look her now sister is giving her.

Damon rolled his eyes at Veronica's attitude, he doesn't understand ever since the twins got adopted she has been talking wanting to also get adopted and she has. What's with the nasty attitude?

Robert sighed at the girl his wife insisted on him adopting. This might sound mean but was instantly drawn to Damon and Ashley. Ashley is outgoing and smart, and Damon is funny and gives off this happy cheerfulness that him and his wife need around the house. When he first laid eyes on Veronica, he somehow knew she was going to cause trouble.

The man locked the car doors and was about guide the kids in the house but he stopped when he was one of his neighbor's kids outside. "Hey! Matthew, how are you doing?" He waved.

Matthew lifted up his head at the voice that called his name and smiled when he saw Robert. He waved back and went back to writing. Robert smiled and said "What a good kid."

"Who's that?" Ashley asked her adopted father.

Robeert looked at Ashley "That's Matthw he's a really smart kid. Him and his siblings they are all good kids, maybe you'll meet them someday?"

Ashley and Damon nodded looking at the teenage boy living next door.

"Okay! Enough with that lets go inside shall we?" And with that Robert led his kids in the house and to meet his wife.











I Hope You Enjoyed :)




Also, it looks like Damon, Ashley and Veronica are back!




Hope you have a blessed day!

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