2: Taking Care of The Babies

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*Knock knock*

Miss Littleton opens her bedroom door and it was obviously I woken her up out of a deep sleep. She looks at me and down at the twins in my arms. If she wasn't wide awake before she definitely is now her eyes widen staring at the two unfamiliar babies. "Noah... are you holding two babies in your arms?" She asked me.

"Yes miss Littleton."

"Why?-where did you find them?"

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to get some fresh air and saw that these two where laying on the front step. I have no clue why or who left them and their was no card or note."

"Y-you went outside during night?!!" She almost screamed.

"Yes~ I know it wasn't smart of me but everything happens for a reason and who knows how long they would of been out there."

"Noah you're thirteen it's dangerous outside especially at night."

"And it's more dangerous for infant babies! Miss Littleton all do respect but I think these babies safety is way more important then mine."

"Okay but don't do something like that again." She told me sternly.

"Can't make any promises but I'll try to be more careful."

"Thank you as for the babies you can put them in the room with the cribs."

"Okay thank you."

She nods giving me a small smile and shut the door.

I made my to the crib room I guess is a good name to call it. It's where we keep the babies and hope they get adopted. The room is currently empty so the twins will be alone right now unless we get a new arrival here to join them.

I put them in a crib together it was all white. "There you go little ones." I stared at them smiling.

"You both need names what names will fit you both?" I thought about it then two names came to mind and grinned at the thought.

"Jonah and Faith." When the names left my mouth their eyes opened and stared back at me.

"You like your name?"

They cooed, I went over to a bookshelf and grabbed a book to read to them.

I pulled the rocking chair over and started to read a hour passed I looked glanced over to them to find them asleep. I got up and put the blanket on them that they had wrapped around them and sat back down continued reading the book until I fell asleep myself.



I was woken up by crying I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the babies to see that they didn't look happy. I jumped up out of the rocking chair. "What's wrong Jonah, Faith?"

I picked up Jonah up and instantly realized what was wrong. I did the same to Faith and it was the same thing. They needn't a diaper change good thing we have some diapers left miss Littleton or someone has to buy more I should let her know especially with two knew babies.

"I'm guessing you both are hungry?" I questioned.

They replied by cooing I nod and left them in the room so I could get them some milk.

Everyone seemed to be awake I went downstairs to the kitchen so I could get a bottle and fill it with milk. I opened the closet and grabbed two of the baby bottles a blue and pink one. Okay now the baby formula where is it? I looked around the kitchen.

"What are you even doing?" I heard someone asked behind me so I turned around to my friend Dustin giving me a weird look.

"I'm looking for the formula."

"Uh whyyyyy?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I found two babies outside on the front doorstep." I said sadly.

"Wait... someone left babies outside in the cold air last night?"

"I opened the door around one in the morning and saw them." I said opening the last top cabinet and finally found the baby formula. I smiled taking the formula and fixing the twins bottle. "I don't know how long they were out there for before I found."

Dustin is a year older then me which would make him fourteen. He was my first friend when I was sent here years ago. When I was five years old my grandfather dropped me off at this orphanage because he couldn't take care of me anymore.

The memory made me sad I shook my head and finished up the bottles after warming them up. We heard little feet running into the kitchen we looked to see it was Annie she's three years old and is one of the new orphans.

"Noah miss Littleton wants to see you." She shyly said.

"Thank You Annie." I smiled at her and stared at the two babies bottles in my hand.

"I can feed the babies for you while you talk to miss Littleton." I looked at Dustin who is smiling nodding his head to the two bottles in my hand.

"Thanks bro." I gave him the two bottles and patted his shoulder and ran out the kitchen to find miss Littleton. I entered the cafeteria where you could hear a bunch of loud chattering going on I looked around and saw miss Littleton sitting with some of the staff that work here.

Walking that way I wondered what she was going to talk to me about probably about the twins. She was talking to one of the staff members. I stopped at the end of the table and the staff member glanced at me and whispered something to miss Littleton.

She turned her head to see me standing in front of her and gave me a sweet smile. "Noah? I hope you got some rest. How are the babies doing they're in the nursing room right?"

"Yes I got some rest after setting the twins down."

"Oh, did they sleep well?"

"Yes... they didn't have names so I decided to name them if that's okay?" I asked looking at my feet.

"That's good and kind of you and I thought about it how about you take care of them since you were the one who find them."

"What?" I was confused why do I need to take care of them I mean I'm okay with that. I helped taking care of a lot of the other kids here but isn't she going to help?

"We already have so many kids and not many workers I think it's a good idea for you to take care of the two new babies and right only babies." She told me with a sorrow look in her eyes like she was thinking about something.

This still didn't make sense to me but I already feel kind of attached to those two so I guess I could take care of them until I leave the orphanage.

"O-okay I will take care of them as they grow up at least until I get adopted or they get adopted or I turn eighteen."

"Great! They're blessed to have someone like you in their lives." She told me then turned back to the other staff continuing the conversation they were having.

I left the cafeteria and went to see how Dustin's doing with Jonah and Faith.











God Bless You :)





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