4: Not Apart Of The World

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Faith was sitting in the orphanage in the red armchair that's in the living room. She was writing in her journal there were only a few others in the big living room. Faith is smiling as she wrote down everything thought and note's that she felt like she needed to write down.

The journal was snatched away from out of her hands. Faith snapped her head up and saw three girls standing in front of her. The girl in the middle was the one that snatched her journal Faith stood up and tried to snatch the journal back.


Everyone turned there heads to see Jonah walking toward them looking upset. The girl in the middle rolled her eyes and smirked "Oh? Looks like your brother's here to rescue you."

Faith smiled at Jonah and stood up from the armchair.

"Veronica please give my sister her journal back." Jonah said stopping an standing near his sister squinting his eyes at the red haired girl.

Veronica rolled her eyes "Whatever weirdos." She said and threw the journal at Faith  and walked away with her two friends. Faith caught the journal as it landed on her chest and hold it close to her. 

She turned to her brother and smiled kindly at him. "Thank you Jonah."

"It's alright Faith you're my sister and they need to learn to stop picking on others. One day they might pick on the wrong person." He said seriously.

Faith nodded her head agreeing with her brother. Jonah and Faith left the living room. Faith decided to go to the bedroom that she share's with the other girls nobody was in their in the early afternoon.

Jonah went back to the room he shares with the other boys. He entered the room and saw that the boys were all huddled up playing video games together that some people were so kind enough to donate to the orphanage.

They usually ignore him unless they have nothing better to do. Jonah walked passed them to his bed and laid down. The boys and girls rooms have bunk beds. The boy that Jonah shares a bunk bed with is pretty cool. He isn't in the room right now the boy's name is Eli he is actually the nicest boy in this orphanage besides Jonah.

Jonah and him get along pretty well but don't hangout with each other. Even though Eli is a nice guy he doesn't want to risk getting bullied himself.


Jonah looked up to see who called him to see the boys looking at him. The one who called was Devon he is thirteen years old and is 5'7. Jonah was wondering what they wanted? "Yes?" Jonah asked confused.

Devan smirked "Wanna play?" 

Jonah didn't have to think twice about it, he quickly shook his head and laid it back down on the pillow.

"Aww, why not?" Devon friend taunted.

"Not interested." Jonah answered plainly.

The other boys snickered an went to playing their games. Jonah wanted to roll his eyes but he didn't want to be rude even though they wouldn't see him. 

Jonah sighed, "God when will my sister and I get a family that's wants us?"  Jonah asked God in his mind because God knows what you are thinking and he knows you are doing and your situation.

Jonah closed his eyes and he all of a sudden he felt this overwhelming feeling of love and peace that came over him. At that moment he knew everything will okay.

"Thank you Lord." Jonah smiled knowing the Lord is with him and his sister. Jonah also knew that even if him and his sister didn't get adopted, they are apart of Jesus's family and are children of God. 

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