3: Bye Bye

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Noah walked into the nursery room to see Dustin playing with the babies. The scene before him made him smile. The twins were squealing at Dustin making silly faces at them as they lay in the crib that they shared.

"Did you give them the milk?" Dustin perked his head and turned to see Noah walking toward him.

"Ya, they were really hungry."

Noah nodded and looked down at Jonah and Faith looking up at him with their big eyes. Dustin looked at Noah and then back at the babies.

"So, what did miss Littleton want?"

"She wants me to take responsibility for these two."

Dustin eyes widened and his face scrunched in confusion "What!? Why?" Noah shrugged.

"She said something about to many kids and not many workers."

"Well, I'm here to help you buddy remember that you're not alone." Dustin said.

Noah grinned at his friend "Thank you Dustin."

"So what are their names?" Dustin asked.

"Jonah and Faith."

"Hmm, memorable names for a pair of twins."

Noah laughed and continued to watch the twin who are now asleep.

Noah sighed sadly, Dustin frowned "What's wrong?"

"I-I just hope they do okay after I'm gone."

Dustin patted his back lightly "I'm sure they will we'll teach them to be strong."

Noah nodded letting out another sigh.




Five year old Jonah and Faith are in the playroom laying on the floor coloring. The room is filled with others kids playing together in groups. The twins only have each other and Noah no one else seems to be interested in spending time with them.

Noah and his friend Dustin who left the orphanage a year ago taught the twins to be strong and to have faith. Noah has turned eighteen which means he has to leave the orphanage and that also means he has to leave the twins.

If he could he would take the two with him but sadly he's not in the position to do that. Noah will be off to college then after that he'll have to get a job and home. Maybe after he gets settled then he'll come back for them, that's if they aren't adopted by that time he returns.

The older boy walked into the playroom searching around for two five year old's. Finally his eyes land on two kids coloring on the floor. He walked toward them holding a big duffle bag, Jonah glanced up from his coloring book and smiled at the teenage boy.


Faith head perked up at the mention of the name and grinned at Noah who stopped in front of them. Noah sat the duffle bag on the floor and squat down at the two little kids level. He gently rubbed both of their heads.

"Hey, you two okay?" Noah asked them.

They nodded and went back to coloring.

Noah smiled sadly at them it's gonna break their little hearts with what he's going to tell them. Jonah stopped coloring an stared at Noah sad expression even though he's five he can still sense when somethings wrong.

"Noah what's wrong?" Jonah asked Noah making Faith stop and look up at Noah with confused. She notice wet spots on Noah's cheek.

"Noah... You were crying?" She tilt her head. "Why?"

Noah shook his head "Don't worry about it theirs something I need to tell you both."

Jonah and Faith sat up straight from their laying position and waited patiently for what Noah was going to tell them.

Noah sighed, "Okay, time to get this over with." He looked at the twins who are looking at him with their big brown eyes.

"Okay so since I'm eighteen now that means I have to leave."

"To where? Can we go with you?" Faith asked.

"Uh, no I have to go alone?" It was getting really hard for Noah to keep his voice steady and not cry... Again.


"B-because I need to go to college and I can't stay here no more even if I wanted to." Noah told them his voice cracking a little.

Jonah stayed quiet observing Noah's every move while his sister is oblivious to the situation Jonah was starting to catch on to what Noah was trying to say.

"Oh." Faith said looking down her hands playing with her shirt.

Jonah finally spoke. "You're not coming back are you?" Noah and Faith turned their head look at Jonah. Faith gave her brother a weird look "Noah's not coming back? Why would Jonah say that he's just going to college then he'll return... Right? He won't stay away like Dustin when he left?" Faith looked back Noah to see what his answer will be.

Noah started to nod his head but stopped. "I'm not sure if I'll come back but once I finish college I'll have get a job and find a home. I don't know how long that's going to be and you both might end up being adopted before I return."

"NO." Faith shouted. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and stared in their direction. Faith didn't care though I she cared about right now was that her big brother/father figure was leaving them.

"Y-you can't your our only family!" Tears rolled down her face.

Jonah watched his sister sadly and gave her a big hug. Noah couldn't hold the tears anymore and started crying himself. "I know I'm sorry Faith but if you do get adopted remember that they'll also be your family." Noah said wiping his tears with his sleeves.

Faith was crying on her brothers shoulder he was trying to stay strong for her but he couldn't help the single tear that fell down his cheek.

"NOAH YOUR RIDE'S HERE." Miss Littleton shouted.

Noah stood up and hold his arms out to them for a hug and they gladly ran into his arms holding tightly onto him. "Don't worry even when we are far apart, we will always be family." Noah told them then pulled away. "I love you."

"We love you too." Jonah and Faith both said at the same time.

Noah picked up his duffle bag and turned walking away. The twins watched him until he left the playroom leaving the two to behind.

"Jonah will we see him again?"

"I don't know Faith."







Poor Jonah and Faith :(




Do you think that the twins will see Noah again?

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