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I once heard a saying, 'everything can't be all bad or all good things have to eventually come back to the middle.' Well for the last two years it's been a mix of really good days and middle days. That's just how life is it can't always be great. But that makes me worry, we've been balanced or at the good side of the scale for a while now, what's gonna happen if it tips the other way? What could possibly be worse than what we already dealt with?

We're a little busy trying to overcome our last hurdle right now, College.


Despite the hiccups along the way finally, Humans, Werewolves and Zombies are all on the same team, and in the case of Terrance, a Kitsune, since he's the last one besides his father and sister. Terrance had fully embraced the idea over the next two years and even legally changed his and Moes name to Hayashi and got his father to drop the spell that once fell over the whole town making them think his name was Jackson Russo.

Said Kitsune was watching the football team do their practice while he gave his team a break. He smiled seeing his boyfriend power down his Z-band and throw his push board across the field. "You're drooling," His eyes widened, and he quickly reached towards his jaw.

It took him a moment to realize that didn't make sense, as much as he loved him, he didn't drool over Zed. He turned to the source of the voice and fondly rolled his eyes, "Very funny Jenny."

"I thought so," Jenifer had stopped going by Lacey when Bucky left the team and she had really been working to be real friends with Terrance not just teammates and apologize for her behavior two years ago over and over even if Terrance had long since forgiven her. She had become one of his best friends and he was her wingman when it came to planning dates with Stacey.

Zed ran over to the drink station where Terrance was waiting, Zed immediately broke into a grin. He wrapped him up in a hug and a kiss, they still got odd looks but considering both could be dangerous and Terrance had an army of cheerleaders and werewolves at his aid, if need be, they were left alone. "All right, all right, all right, we gotta keep our energy up tonight, boys. Peanut Butter for you, bone and beef for you, and blended brains for me." Zed said, passing out the drinks from the cart behind them.

Zoey and Moe ran over with a tablet showing Eliza who was interning at Z-corp, the maker of the Z-Bands, so she was taking all of her finishing classes online. "You have to win this football game tonight, Zed. Win tonight, and you'll be the first zombie to ever attend college," Zoey grinned.

"And you have to cheer your butt off so that I can go to college at some point too," Moe told her brother. Both older brothers were on their way to getting scholarships to Mountain college, the best college in the city. They just had to blow away the recruiters tonight with their performances on the field.

"We will. Don't worry," Zed told the,

"Zombie and monster-kind are depending on you two so we can all go to college."

"No pressure," Terrance said rolling his eyes,

"My zom-girl breaking the glass ceiling?"

She laughed, "literally. I broke the glass ceiling today while testing a prototype."

"We are so getting into Mountain college," Zed hyped.


The boy's eyes widened, "gotta go." He kissed Zed and kissed Moe and Zoey's foreheads and ran off to lead his and Addison's team for a practice cheer. He blew his whistle, and let his eyes light up, "Five, six, seven, eight!"


We are the Mighty Shrimp
We wanna hear you shout 

From the left and from the right
Turn up the volume now

We wanna lift you high
You'll never feel the ground

We'll get you up, we'll never stop
This is our hometown

We are the Mighty Shrimp
We wanna hear you shout

From the left and from the right
Turn up the volume now

We are the Mighty Shrimp
It's time to show you now

We got the stuff to light you up
It's getting hotter now

We're getting hotter now
It's getting hotter now

The routine was perfect, for all the work he had Addison had put in composing it, it really had no other choice, and everyone knew that." No one really wanted to be faced with Terrance's captain anxiety which they were bound to get if they weren't perfect so close to recruitment. Terrance let out a relived sigh, he knew everything would go well, they were gonna crush tonight's game and so many doors would open for monster kind.

"You guys, tonight is our last chance to cheer at a Seabrook football game," Bree sighed dreamily.

"Grazala brom la," Bonzo admitted.

Terrance rolled his eyes but agreed nonetheless, "I know. I wish we could be cheerleaders forever too."

"Maybe we should flunk science so high school never ends."

Everyone looked at her a little skeptical, "Love ya Bree but I'm not doing that."

Bree shrugged, waving off the thought, "we just have too much chemistry anyway," Bonzo brought her into a tight hug and smiled down at her.

"We are so gonna win tonight," Coach grinned.

"And when we do..." Zed trailed off.

"We'll be together forever," Terrace finished.

The former Aceys all grinned at him, they had all become friends and they couldn't be happier for him. The cute moment was cut off by Addison noticing her girlfriend, "Wynter!" It startled the Kitsune; he hadn't realized how close she was. He let out a short yelp that sounded pretty animalistic making his friends and boyfriend laugh.

Wynter dropped her bag and caught Addison who had run at her full speed. Terrance was sure he heard something in the bag crack against the concrete walkway.

"When I say Sea, you say Brook!" Zed started a chant to hype them all up for tonight. He was good at that, "Sea."





Terrance said his goodbyes to his team and boyfriend and wandered off to find Wyatt and Willa who had been pretty quiet all day. They were either excited for the game or planning how to overthrow the school again. The literary teacher should have never let them read the 'Butterfly Revolution.'

He found then walking around the courtyard Wyatt smiling and waving a little pink Seabrook flag. A comet exploded overhead, which had become a regular occurrence as of late, and their moonstones lit up red. He didn't like that. "Our moonstones are acting weird, Wyatt. Something big is happening."

"Something big is happening," Instead of worrying right now he decided it could be worried about it after the game. This needed to go well, and not just for him, but for everyone.

He made his way to the two and jumped on Wyatt's back so he could see Willa over him, "biggest football game in the universe."

They both grinned up at the small Kitsune. Willa rolled her eyes fondly and kept her smile, "just the biggest in Seabrook."

A girl who Terrance recognized as part of the cheer committee tried to offer to paint her face. Willa's stone lit up and she growled at her. She gasped and took a few steps back, she was new, she had to be otherwise she wouldn't have tried that on Willa of all people. "Come on. You know how important a win is for all us monsters. Seabrook needs you, cheer wolf," Wyatt said, oh this he had to see.

"You want a fierce werewolf leader to rally a football team?"

"Come on," they were twins, but Wyatt was the younger one and Willa would do anything for him all he had to do was clasp his hand together and pout and she did whatever he wanted. 

Impeded Amenities (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now