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During lunch Zed and Terrance met with the Alien's, "With our luma lens we probed all the minds of seabrook."

Terrance gave them a concerned look, "because thats not a total violation of privacy, why would you do that?"

They all looked startled as if they didn't expect him to ask, "To learn about-" A-Spen started

"Cheer, obviously cheer," They all finished. Terrance didn't buy it.

"Okay, but what about people's privacy?" Zed asked, "

"Yeah, you can't just scan people's-- Hey, what is that?"

A-Lan looked back at the luma lens, "Oh, your biology teacher's brain scan."

"Is that my test? A D-plus?" He groaned, "That is-- Ouch."

"I could beat that easily."

Both of them glared at A-lan, "Good thing you're not going for a science major," Zed said knowing full well his science grade wasn't great either.

"You were unfairly marked. Your answers correctly highlight the purpose of brains for Kitsune's."

The fox nodded, "The teachers don't take other cultures into account when ranking, Willa had the same problem."

"Your teachers do not understand monster cultures."

A-lan waved a hand over his luma lens and changed Terrance's test grade from a D-plus to a B-plus. "That's the grade you should have gotten."

"Yes! Just like that?" he nodded, "Thank you. A-lan hummed looking up at the blue fox with a smile, he liked the boy's grin.

"So, there is something you can do for us," A-spen interjected, they ran a hand over their own luma lens "This image appears in many scans. What is it?"

"That is the moonstone. It is the most precious thing in Seabrook. It's the life force for werewolves," They missed the looks and the whisper they shared.

"But don't touch it." 

A-lan shook his head, almost disappointed, "Why is that?"

"It's my job to help protect it, as the old kitsunes life debt to them,"

"So, stay away from it. No outsiders are allowed near it," Zed added, even he was barely allowed near the giant glowing space rock.

"You are so caring," A-spen said crushing Zed in a hug from his waist nearly lifting him up.

He groaned, "Gah okay well."

Terrance's eyes flashed, but he calmed himself; he didn't know how Alien dating worked and they probably didn't even really realize they were together.

A-lan grinned up at him, "You are very protective." This time he didn't miss the look and blushed. It was Zed's turn to be a little jealous.

"Zed, Terrance, we shall reward your help, by improving your applications," A-lan announced.

"It's not rocket science but knowing rocket science wouldn't hurt," A-li laughed.

Zed smiled with a Chuckle and Terrance grinned widely "What does that expression mean?" A-Spen asked, they needed to remember that they had emotional dampeners until now.

"It means that the universe has sent me an intergalactic alien dream team to help these monsters get into college," He held out his hand for a high five A-Lan, raised an eyebrow and held up three fingers. "Ya-okay" Zed sighed, shaking them just accepting their confusion at this point.

Terrance leaned down, "It means we're happy, we really need this." Since Terrance was revealed to be a monster, he went through every type of injustice a monster had gone through in Seabrook including Bucky being a jerk. It made Terrance appreciate his friend's carefree and kind attitude a lot more, especially since he had wanted to strangle at least ten people a day for the last two years.

Impeded Amenities (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now